Hasan Al-Jabali’s treasure. Know the date of the series “Fatwa and Repetition”, episode 8


Everyone is looking for the sixth installment of the “Fatwa” series, after presenting the last episode of it, which witnessed a plethora of events. The famous Yasser has been successful in his style by prevailing on the scene through the series that he presented in recent years, which has achieved great success compared to the possibilities that some of his colleagues receive in some other job.

The events of stalker episode 7

The seventh episode featured many events in which a meeting began with Hassan Al-Jabali, Azmi and Faraj, to learn about Jabali’s loyalty to childhood, Saber Abu Shadid, the big girl, and Lille’s father met her to forgive her and allow her to leave the house, and she admits that her mother is still alive, but her father confirms that she is. She died, and the episode also witnessed that Sheikh Mabrouk was trying to know her father’s will, but thank you and believe that it is forbidden to tell him the truth, and there is a mutual love between Hassan Al-Jabali and Lail.

Sheik Mabrouk tells Hassan al-Jabali that his father said in his memoirs that Hassan’s father has a gold treasure, and then they go to the treasure place and find it.

The sixth episode began by inciting the blind man in his group to the teacher Azmi, and that they must defend themselves, but Sugar indicates that he is not the stalker now, because he is the cause of the calamities they suffered, but he is motivating them and asking for help. Of these, Zainab, the sister of Hassan Al-Jabali, confesses to her husband that she is going to her family. This is because she has the money they have, so her husband asks her to go with her family and take her share of her father’s inheritance.

Master Saber meets with the aesthetics people and promises to arrest the masked person, who responds to the grievances of the grievances with the help of Hanuqa, and Hassan al-Jabali heads to Malam Saber’s house and opens a night for him, and Jabali asks him to go to the street to know the conditions of the people in the streets to respond to the grievances.

The fifth episode of the series witnessed a host of events, including, we recall, Hassan Al Jabali who is hosting Sheikh Sheikh Mabrouk in Aziza Al Adada, after accepting Jabali’s request, Sheikh Mabrouk meets when he lives with a girl there and exchanges admiring glances, and after saving the masked knight, who is the fatwa Hassan Al-Jabali, Lail tells her story, while Azmi takes advantage of the murder of Hajj Bishr at his funeral and tells the people of the region that the masked person must be chased to arrest him because he killed him.

The Fatwa series, starring Yasser Jalal, Riyadh El-Khouly, Inaam Salousa, Mai Omar and a host of artists, written by Hany Sarhan, directed by Hussein Al-Manbawi, produced by Synergy Company, and presented daily to Al-Hayat TV.

The Fatwa series is shown in Al-Hayat daily.

The dates of the series, Fatwa Episode 8

  • The first show: at twelve o’clock Egypt time and one at Saudi Arabia time.
  • Initial restart: four in the morning, Egypt time, and five in Saudi Arabia.
  • Repeat again: four in the afternoon, local time in Egypt, and five-thirty in Saudi Arabia.

Also, watch the date of the series “Fatwa and the Replay”, the seventh episode 7, and the surprises of the masked knight 04/20/2020. You can now view all dates for the Ramadan series.

Currently, the seventh episode of the series “Fatwa” by the great actor Yasser Jalal, in the role of Hassan Al Jabali, is presented on the Egyptian life channel Al Hamra, and we are reading the news of the episode in a short time.

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