Has the Judiciary annulled the previous Olympic sanctions against Murtaza, and what is new this time? … The committee responds


Published on: Monday, October 19, 2020 – 13:58 | Last update: Monday, October 19, 2020 – 1:58 p.m.

Yesterday’s session at the Administrative Court, while investigating the lawsuit filed by the president of the Zamalek Club, Mortada Mansour against the sanctions imposed by the Olympic Committee, witnessed a violent verbal altercation between Mansour and the assistant lawyers on behalf of the President of the Olympic Committee, Hisham Hatab, in the context of his request to erase what was included in the Mansour case. Among the expressions that accuse Hatab of treason and work for the State of Qatar.
The request of the lawyer of the Olympic Committee before the field, enraged Murtaza Mansour, who in turn defended the statements and accusations contained in his case both the president of the International Handball Federation, Hassan Mustafa, and the president of the Olympic Committee, Hisham Hatab, confirming that they are supported by the text of letters exchanged between them that a former official who works at the embassy sent him. Egyptian in Switzerland.

Mansour explained that these letters include the glorification of the State of Qatar, which maintains hostility to the system of government in Egypt, and in which the two parties intend to offend the institutions of the Egyptian state, and here the lawyers of the Olympic Committee responded in court. confirming that these letters are false, and were previously investigated by the Supreme State Security Prosecutor’s Office in a report. Mansour presented it, in which the prosecutor concluded the order not to initiate a criminal case against Hatab and Mustafa based on these letters for lack of evidence.

Although yesterday’s session lasted approximately two hours, during which the court suspended the session on more than one occasion due to verbal altercations, both parties did not address the matter of the case in their defense, since the session prevailed over the procedural nature related to the completion of the formal procedures for the declaration of the litigants and accreditation of the presence of the parties’ lawyers.

In response to the question “Al-Shorouk” about the judgments previously issued by the Administrative Court to annul previous sanctions in which the Olympic Committee decided to prevent Mansour from practicing any sporting activity for a period of two years and to transfer all matches in the that Zamalek Club is part, outside of the club stadiums, and if they were These judgments will affect the dispute over the recently signed sanctions, which include the removal of Mansour from his position, so that the court can trust her and put her under its gaze Or are we facing a new and different legal reality? The lawyers of the Olympic Committee clarified the circumstances and circumstances of the issuance of these sentences, highlighting that the matter this time is different. .

Regarding the circumstances and circumstances of the issuance of the aforementioned judgments, the lawyers of the Olympic Committee stated that the Administrative Court did not pronounce from the first time the nullity of the previous penalties imposed by the Committee against Murtaza, but that a judgment was issued of not accepting the cases of Murtado because the judicial administrative courts did not have jurisdiction to hear this type of cases in the law. The new sport, which largely devoted the hand of the administrative authorities, including the Ministry of Sports, to interfere in the affairs of sports bodies, and the court decided to refer the case to the corresponding civil department of the Northern Court of Cairo .

Mansour filed an appeal against this ruling before the Supreme Administrative Court, in which the court decided to suspend the implementation of said ruling and return the case back to the Administrative Court for its ruling, as the Supreme Administrative Court affirmed the jurisdiction of the courts of the Council of State to hear about this type of case.

Consequently, the Administrative Court once again considered the case and decided in the urgent part to suspend the application of the sanctions, leaving the substantive part before the court until now and its consideration is scheduled in the November 29 session.

The Olympic Committee’s lawyers continued: “However, the aforementioned administrative court ruling was based on the Egyptian Olympic Committee’s failure to impose sanctions on the leaders of sports clubs and bodies, and that was before the issuance of the Code of Conduct Sports approved by the General Assembly of the Olympic Committee, which gives authority to the committee and gives it the right to Punish heads of organs and clubs in violation of the Olympic Charter.

They also confirmed that the aforementioned code of conduct, on which the recent sanctions were based, was in force in light of the issuance of the aforementioned administrative administrative ruling, but had not yet obtained the approval of the General Assembly of the Olympic Committee, explaining that the situation now differs with the approval of said code by the association, its issuance and action. It is a legal and authorized decision, similar to the statute of the Olympic Committee.

It should be noted that the Administrative Judicial Court headed by counselor Fathy Tawfiq decided yesterday to postpone the consideration of the lawsuit filed by Mortada Mansour to annul the sanctions issued against him by the Olympic Committee, which decided to remove him from his position as president of the Zamalek Club to the first session next November, to see.
