Hamo Becca attacks Omar Kamal: A worker loves me while hating me .. Goodbye fake friends


The popular party singer, Hamo Beka, launched a strong attack on his friend, the singer Omar Kamal, highlighting that he says he loves him but hates him, since Becca published, on his Facebook page, a photo of Omar Kamal, marked with a sign (x), followed by saying: “I wish someone could not tell me about a work About this character, because I was in love with her, and this character is evading my work that made me remember, and the proof after this photo is a video “He added:” He is a worker who loves me and hates me … Goodbye, false friends. “

Becca's mother-in-law
Becca’s mother-in-law

The festival singer, Hamo Beka, appeared in a video of his two days ago, which he posted on his account on the “Instagram” website, attacking one of the singers without mentioning his name, noting that this singer assures that his songs were the most searched on Google during 2020, as Becca described it as very selfish. And that his statements are inconsistent with reality, and “Becca” confirmed, during the video, that the 5 most searched songs in Google throughout the year were his two songs, and the rest of Omar Kamal..


As Becca said during the video: “When you start to speak, success is determined by what you do with yourself, you don’t love yourself and you are visible to the Egyptian people that you are selfish, that you love nothing but yourself, And you like it if you create stardom for yourself.“.

And Becca added: “Our brother Omar Kamal, when he heard what he said, he said we made it, but what I see is that you are wrong, your life is wrong, your world is going wrong, I want to achieve your success.“.
