“H2”, the final series of Youssef El-Sherif, the second episode .. The date of the show and the repetition on the public channel, in


Undoubtedly, the Egyptian and Arab public is awaiting the broadcast of the final series of the star Youssef El Sharif on various satellite channels, especially after the great absence of the hero of dramatic work on the small screen from the Kafr Delhab series. It was shown at Ramadan 2017 and achieved massive success at the critical and massive level. In addition, the reason for his reluctance to work due to his recent cinema, and through this article, you will know with us the moment of the show. Final series On the Drama channel and replays.

The final series, Youssef El Sharif

After the trailer for the series was released on various online platforms, garnering millions of views, and YouTube launched for several days, everyone wondered about the extent of citing the work of various foreign works, annoying the author and Screenwriter Amr Samir Atef, who categorically denied that the final series was quoted from Other Dramas, while continuing to confirm that all the scenes are purely Egyptian, and it will become clear whether the allegations are true or not as the episodes begin to be shown successively during the holy month of Ramadan.

The date of the final series.

The final series will air exclusively through the drama channel at exactly ten o’clock in the evening, Cairo time, while the first replay will be on the second after midnight, and the second replay at exactly two at afternoon point, God willing.

End of series, first episode

Youssef El-Sherif received Twitter during the presentation of the special episode, and the first episode ended a while ago and achieved great success, but there are some riddles that the viewer tries to solve during the next episodes, where the vision will become clearer, but The most important thing came in the work that talks about what will happen in 100 years. In other words, Jerusalem has been liberated and returned to the Arabs again.

It is mentioned that the series is produced by Synergy Technical Works Company, Tamer Morsi, and is presented exclusively in its entirety on the public channel ONON and the On Drama channel. As for the Internet, the exclusive and official operator is the HT app, which is an Egyptian government app that follows the Synergy company for works of art and there is all the drama of Ramadan on it.
