‘Got Out of Control’ … New Corona Strain Is Isolating Britain and Sleeping


Cairo (Masrawy)

European countries began to ban travelers from Britain, amid the outbreak of a new “more dangerous” strain of the Corona virus.

Britain has become the new epicenter of the deadly virus outbreak in the new wave of the pandemic that has hit the world since the end of this year.

The Netherlands and Belgium suspended flights from Britain, and Belgium suspended trains, amid reports that more European countries plan to take similar measures.

The new strain of the Corona virus has spread rapidly in London and the south-east of England.

And senior health officials said there is no evidence that the new strain of the virus is more deadly or that it will respond differently to vaccines, but it has been shown to be 70 percent more contagious, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC).

The World Health Organization said the same new strain had been detected in the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia.

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