Gold prices in Egypt are falling today, Wednesday, December 30 … and 24 carats register 937.25 pounds


Gold prices in Egypt registered a decrease of 4 pounds today, Wednesday, December 30, 2020, compared to yesterday’s prices, since the 21 karat price reached 820 pounds per gram, compared to 824 pounds per gram of yesterday, in the goldsmiths without calculating the price of labor, while this comes in the middle. Expectations of fluctuation in the price per gram.

Gold prices in Egypt are declining today, Wednesday December 30, 2020

Through our website “Kalima”, we publish the gold prices in Egypt that are decreasing today, Wednesday December 30, 2020 AD, as a service to citizens in meeting governorates who want to know the price of a gram before to sell or buy, as follows:

  1. Initially, the 21 gauge registered 820 pounds per gram.
  2. After that, the 24 gauge registered 937.25 pounds per gram.
  3. Then the 18 gauge registered 702.75 pounds per gram.
  4. This is followed by the 6560 gold pound.
  5. Finally, one ounce is $ 1,880.

The price of the yellow metal during 2020

  • For starters, the yellow metal has seen obvious disturbances in the year that is about to end.
  • Affected by this mineral in Egypt the price of an ounce in the world.
  • While it recorded benefits of 23% during 2020.
  • But sales have dropped dramatically due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus, “Covid-19”.
  • In addition, the consumer is always waiting for prices to drop drastically in order to buy.
  • The rise of the precious metal in Egypt and worldwide depends on the fall in the world price of the dollar.
  • Finally, the persistence of the Corona crisis and the emergence of new strains of the disease leads to increased investment in the precious metal.
Average gold prices today in goldsmith shops in Egypt without labor
Unit The price of gold is in Egyptian pounds.
24 gauge 934 to 936
22 gauge 856 to 858
Gauge 21 817 to 819
18 gauge 700 to 702
14 gauge 545 to 546
12 gauge 467 to 468
The ounce 29,039 to 29,110
The pound of gold 6,536 to 6,552
Kilo 933,714 to 936,000
Gold prices may differ from one jeweler to another
