Gold prices are falling 7 pounds for the second time today … and 21 karats is 848 pounds per gram.


Ihab Wasef, deputy director of the Chamber of Commerce’s Precious Metals Division, said gold prices fell today, Thursday, for the second time, to a value of 7 pounds, after the global price of an ounce of gold fell. at 1937 dollars, which was reflected in the price of a gram of gold to register 848 pounds per gram of 21 carats, which is the best seller. in Egypt.

Gold prices today:

18 gauge: 726.85 pounds

21 gauge: 848 pounds

24 gauge: 969.10 pounds

Gold pound: 6784 pounds

World Price: $ 1937

Yesterday, Wednesday, the price of gold registered a fall of 9 pounds throughout the day in the Egyptian goldsmith market, and prices fell in the morning by 3 pounds, then 7 pounds, raising the total price of gold today at 10 pounds.

The World Gold Council report, for the second quarter of 2020, revealed a decrease in demand for gold jewelry in Egypt by 70% compared to the same period in 2019, with sales reaching 1.7 tons compared to 5.5 tons.

The report revealed that the volume of artifact sales in most countries decreased in varying proportions, with the decline in the United Arab Emirates reaching 86%, Saudi Arabia at 80% and Kuwait at 35%.

The report showed that the decrease in total sales volume in Egypt decreased by 31% during the first half of 2020 and the volume of investment purchases (bullion and coins) decreased by 10% compared to 2019.
