“Gold Division”: Gold has reached the lowest price … and “Buy my network now”.


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Naguib Club, Secretary of the Gold Division of the Chamber of Commerce, confirmed that the fall in gold during the recent period occurred for various reasons, and that the rise and fall during the recent period due to the Crown crisis and the American elections and instability. , since it is affected by crises and increases in these periods, and the economic situation was deteriorating.

“Naguib” added, during a telephone interview with the “Cairo Talk” program, with journalist Khairy Ramadan, and journalist Karima Awad, on the channel “Cairo and the People”, that reaching the Corona vaccine generated tranquility and began the economy. To activity, and US stocks began to rise. Noting that gold will not continue to fall as it reached its lowest price, saying, “Whoever wants a network will buy now, and next week gold will start to rise.”

He explained that gold prices will start to rise again during the next period, noting that the fall did not affect the Egyptian market due to the weak economic situation in Egypt, and explained that there are new gold handicrafts, and the lower price will make the citizens accept. to buy gold, which indicates to invest in gold Invest in gold ore because it has no taxes, and this is the right time to invest.

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