Going to demonstrations will not help us and we want His Excellency to hear us


Mortada Mansour, former president of the Zamalek club, confirmed that the White Castle case is with those who are trying to bring down the club in what he described as a “conspiracy” through a statement published moments ago.

Mortada Mansour wrote through her official account on “Facebook”: “To the great Zamalekian fans who are demanding to go out on the streets today Friday in protest of what happened in the plot against the Zamalek club and its legitimate and elected board of directors. This it will not benefit our cause, our cause is just and the only thing we ask for is justice and to lift injustice “. .

He continued: “We have turned to Almighty God and we only want to listen to His Excellency the President of the Republic. If we are right, he will do us justice, and if we are wrong, he will judge us. Finally, neither Zamalek nor his legitimate president will be part of the chaos in Egypt”.

He added: “Tomorrow, Friday my message in sound and image will be addressed to His Excellency the President of the Republic. I will tell you, with documents, of the great conspiracy against one of the largest clubs in Africa and against its president, and I hope his just judgment after God’s judgment, which we only fear is the truth. “

The Ministry of Youth and Sports had announced that, in light of the results of the work of the financial and administrative control and inspection committee, which was formed by the Minister of Youth and Sports Resolution No. 434 of 2020 dated February 23 September 2020 of the specialists of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Central Supervisory Entity in order to carry out their financial and administrative control work in various sports and youth organizations in various parts of the Republic, the Ministry issued the Resolution No. 520 of 2020 on November 29, 2020, which included the following:

First: Regarding the Zamalek Sports Club, it was decided:

• Refer the financial infractions mentioned in the report and the infractions it contained to the Public Ministry.

• Suspend and exclude the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club, the Executive Director and the Financial Director from the temporary management of the club’s affairs until the conclusion of the investigations of the Public Ministry and the results derived from it, or until the end of the legal term prescribed by law for the Board of Directors, whichever occurs first.

• Assign the Giza Youth and Sports Directorate, as the competent authority, to oversee the Zamalek Club, form a temporary committee to manage the club’s affairs, elect the one who does the work of the Executive Director and include him on the committee.
