Global health: the new Corona strain is more widespread and there is no evidence of its resistance to the vaccine


The World Health Organization said, in a statement today, that the information that the UK health authorities informed us that the new strain (the variable virus) is more capable of spreading, indicating that more research is being done to know the speed of this spread, and if it is related to the new strain. The same or there are other interfering factors, and from the initial information we know that the modified strain does not cause a more severe degree of disease, and studies are still being carried out in people with this strain compared to those infected with the Coronavirus..

The organization said there may be a change in the susceptibility and incidence of this strain, as well as a decrease in the performance of diagnostic tests that use the gene. (S)But there is still no evidence of changes in the effectiveness of expected vaccines or in the person’s ability to produce antibodies against the virus..

It is important to know that all viruses change over time, and this includes the Corona pandemic virus so far, and hundreds of different types of this virus have been identified around the world, and we are following it closely, and most of the changes that have occurred in the virus have only had a minimal impact. There is no transmission or severity of the disease..

The organization said: The reason for our special interest in this new strain is that it contains several clusters of changes, and early signs indicate that (the variable virus) may be more capable of spreading easily between people, and the World Organization for Health advises that more viral studies be done to understand the specific changes. Described by the UK.

We are in close contact with UK officials, and they will continue to keep us informed of information and the results of analyzes and investigations, and in turn we will present to member states and the general public when we have the information and a better picture is formed. clear of the characteristics of this strain..

What we highlight is that we at the World Health Organization rely on studies and take scientific evidence to know what the impact of this changing virus is, and in the meantime, we advise everyone to fully adhere to preventive and health measures public service of Corona and that they comply with the guidelines of the national authorities..
