Global Health Sounds the Alarm for a New Corona Strain | DW Arabia News | Latest news and insights from around the world | DW


The World Health Organization called on European countries to “tighten restrictions” in the context of the emergence of a new strain of the Corona virus spreading in Britain, according to its European affiliate. The world organization spoke of “preliminary indications that the infection of the strain may be greater”, as well as that “it may affect the effectiveness of some diagnostic methods.”“.

Outside of Britain, several cases of infection with the new strain were recorded, including nine in Denmark and one in both the Netherlands and Australia, according to the Health Organization, which recommended that member states “expand (their capabilities) to determine what is the new virus “.

This occurs at a time when many European countries decided today Sunday (December 20, 2020) to suspend flights from Great Britain after the discovery of this “out of control” strain.“. A spokeswoman for the organization’s European branch told France Press that the organization would provide more information “when it has a clearer view of the characteristics of this strain.”

The organization also said: “Across Europe, where the infection is widely and extensively transmitted, countries must double down on their restrictions and preventive measures.”

Meanwhile, Italy decided to join other European countries in suspending air travel with Great Britain as this new strain is spreading.

On Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and European Council President Charles Michel discussed ways to deal with the new strain of Corona virus that is being spread. spreading in Britain.

These talks come when the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy announced the suspension of flights with Great Britain.

At the global level, the World Health Organization recommended that “all countries strengthen their capacities to identify SARS-Cove-2 virus strains when possible and share information internationally, especially if problematic mutations are identified.”

In addition to the countries in whose territory the British strain was detected, “several countries have informed the World Health Organization of the existence of other strains that include some genetic changes in the British strain.” And South Africa, which in turn detected a new strain on Friday, saw the mentioned mutation as a source of widespread infection. The organization noted that countries “are conducting additional research to better understand the relationship.”

