Global health reveals source of Corona virus


3:58 PM

Thursday April 23, 2020


The spokesperson for the World Health Organization, under El Shayeb, announced that the alleged source of the Corona virus is bats, of which it was transmitted to humans through an intermediary.

“All the available evidence indicates that the origin of this virus is animal. It has not been produced or manipulated in laboratories. And bats are their environmental habitat,” the spokeswoman said, according to Sky News.

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“But it is necessary to know how the virus is transmitted. Because it is very clear that there is a means that transmits it from bats to humans.”

The World Health Organization is working cooperatively with other countries to define the nature of the emerging coronavir virus, “Covid-19,” and for this purpose, several expert groups have been formed, according to Chaib.

“We do not currently know the source of the virus, so we should all focus on the facts, not theories,” said the WHO spokeswoman. “The WHO is a scientific organization and we believe that the origin and source of the virus are animals.”

The spokeswoman said 70 percent of the new viruses are of animal origin, including the Ebola, Plague and Corona viruses.

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