Global Health is testing herbs to treat Corona. Is it absinthe?


Source: Dubai –

On Saturday, the World Health Organization approved a protocol regulating testing of African herbal medicines as possible treatments for coronavirus and other epidemic diseases.

The spread of Covid-19 has raised the problem of the use of traditional medicines in the treatment of contemporary diseases, and the approval of the World Health Organization clearly encourages testing with standards similar to those used in laboratories.

President of Madagascar and treatment with absinthe

Months ago, the president of Madagascar, Andre Rajoelina, was despised for his attempt to promote the drink “Covid-Organics”, which is extracted from the wormwood plant (Artemisia), to treat the Corona virus, despite the proven effectiveness of the plant in the treatment of malaria.

On Saturday, WHO experts and colleagues from two other African organizations approved a protocol to conduct third-stage clinical trials of herbal medicines to treat Covid-19, in addition to a letter and powers to establish an oversight board for safety and collect data for clinical trials on herbal drugs, according to a statement.

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The statement noted that “the third phase of clinical trials (for a group of up to 3,000 people for testing) is critical to fully assess the safety and efficacy of new medical products.”

Traditional medicine

“If the safety, efficacy and quality of a traditional medicine product is proven, the World Health Organization will recommend it for rapid and large-scale local manufacture,” the statement to WHO regional director Prosper Tomosemi quoted as saying.

The organization approved the protocol in partnership with the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the African Union Commission for Social Affairs.

“The emergence of Covid-19, like the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, has highlighted the need for strong health systems and accelerated research and development programs, including traditional medicine,” added Tomosimi.

The WHO official did not mention Madagascar’s main drink, which was widely distributed in Madagascar and sold to many other countries, especially in Africa.

In May, the director of the World Health Organization in Africa, Machidisso Moeti, told the media that African governments had pledged in 2000 to subject “traditional treatments” to the same clinical trials as other drugs.

“I can understand the need and reasons for looking for something that can help,” he added, “but we very much want to promote the scientific evidence that governments themselves have committed to.
