Global Health Approves Pfizer Vaccine To Counter Coronavirus: “Its Benefits Outweigh Its Risks”


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The World Health Organization has approved the “Pfizer-Biontech” vaccine against Coronavirus, as part of the list of recommended vaccines for use in emergency situations.

The organization confirmed, in a statement, that the “Pfizer-Biontech” vaccine is the first vaccine recommended for emergency use, since the virus outbreak began a year ago, and opened the door for countries to speed up approval processes. for the importation and use of the vaccine.

The Organization’s Deputy Director General for Medicines, Mariangela Simao, said the decision is “a very positive step to guarantee universal access to the Coronavirus vaccine, and calls for greater global efforts to provide adequate amounts of the vaccine and deliver it to those who they need it more everywhere. ” .

The organization confirmed that experts gathered from around the world reviewed the data of the “Pfizer-Biontech” vaccine, to ensure its safety, effectiveness and quality, as part of the analysis of the risks and benefits of the vaccine. The review found that the vaccine met the necessary standards set by the WHO for safety and efficacy, and that its benefits outweigh its potential risks.

The Pfizer-Biontech vaccine requires storage at temperatures between -60 and -90 degrees Celsius. This makes it difficult to transport and therefore the organization works to help countries assess their vaccine supply and delivery plans and use it as soon as possible.

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