Full details of the investigations with the Mansoura railway line


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In a statement issued this afternoon, the Ministry of Transport announced the end of the immediate investigation led by Lieutenant General Engineer / Kamel Al-Wazir, Minister of Transport, on the crossing of the railroad tracks of the No. 948 Mansoura / Cairo train against a member of the armed forces who was a passenger on the train.

Where the statement of the ministry indicated that the investigation was carried out with the knowledge of the legal matters of the Railways Authority, and the results of the investigations came in accordance with the regulations of the Authority’s personnel system as follows:
1- Mr. Adel Farouk Abdel-Hadi: the head of the train was rewarded with a salary deduction of 50 days (fifty days) from his salary for what he had earned in this incident towards one of the heroic armed forces

2. Mr. Adel Salah Abdel Moneim, supervisor of the train, received a deduction of 15 days from his salary for what he took in this incident to one of the heroic armed forces

3. Instructions were issued to exclude the aforementioned from work on passenger trains and to employ them on freight trains.

4. They were issued a police report for not wearing a medical mask, and the Prime Minister’s decision was enforced with a fine of 4000 pounds.

5. Upon examining the statement of employment status of the aforementioned, it was revealed that the last analysis for narcotic substances was negative in March 2020.

The statement affirmed that the Ministry of Transportation and all its employees respect the brave men of the armed forces who pledged themselves in sacrifice for their country and the great people of Egypt.

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