Free from the richest of the rich, she becomes the richest woman in the world thanks to Corona



Free from the richest of the rich, she becomes the richest woman in the world thanks to Corona


McKinsey Scott was crowned the richest woman in the world, thanks to the ability of his ex-wife, Jeff Bezos, to be recently ranked at the top of the list of the richest people in the world with a fortune in excess of 200,000 million dollars, according to the New York Post.

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Scott, who earlier this summer removed the Bezos last name from his last name and kept a piece of his money since his divorce in 2019, added a staggering $ 30.3 billion to his net worth so far in 2020, thanks to the growth in sales of her ex-husband’s company “Amazon”. As consumers stranded at home by the coronavirus have become the e-commerce giant to meet their shopping needs.

Scott’s fortune was $ 67.4 billion, beating L’Oréal heiress Francoise Bettencourt Myers, who currently has $ 66.3 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Scott is currently ranked 12th on the list of the world’s richest people, with his 4% equity stake in Amazon rising, putting him ahead of Walmart’s Walton brothers and behind Oracle founder Larry Ellison. . She is ready to skip the top ten if she can add another $ 9 billion to her net worth due to the coronavirus and her ex-husband’s fortune has risen.

Scott, who has 4 children by Bezos, received 20 million shares of Amazon when she divorced him after revealing their affair. At the time, those shares were worth around $ 30 billion.

The combined wealth of the world’s richest former couple is more than $ 270 billion.

Scott has already donated $ 1.7 billion to organizations concerned about racial equality, gay rights, gender equality, fighting climate change, improving public health and more.

Most of his donation to racial equality organizations, which received about $ 586,000. She wrote in her statement that she was “shocked” by what happened during the current year of “inequality in our systems”, but it seems that she has never noticed the inequality between rich and poor and the huge income disparity between human beings, even if they are of the same type and race.

Source: “New York Post” + RT
