France summons its ambassador to Ankara after Erdogan’s declarations that Macron should “check his mental health”


Macron Verdugan

France has summoned its ambassador to Ankara for consultations following statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in which he said French President Emmanuel Macron should examine his mental health.

Today Saturday, the Turkish president denounced the policies of his French counterpart towards Muslims and said that he must “examine their mental health.

“What can be said about a head of state who treats millions of followers of different religions in this way? First of all: check your mental health,” Erdogan added in a televised speech.

Macron’s office said in a statement that “President Erdogan’s comments are unacceptable. Anger and insult are not a means,” and the office asked Erdogan to change the course of his policy because he is dangerous in all respects.
