For the second time today … a sudden and significant drop in gold prices at local goldsmiths


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Gold prices fell astonishingly for the second time, today, by 8 pounds, bringing the total decline today to 16 pounds.

Amir Rizk, a member of the Jewelers Division, confirmed that the most popular 21 gauge in the local market became 786 pounds per gram, 24 carats at 898 pounds per gram and the price for 18 carats was 673 pounds per gram and the price of an ounce was 1794 dollars, 28 dollars less, and the price of a pound of gold was 6,290 pounds.

Rizk added to Al-Masry Al-Youm that the drop is due to the drop in the price of the ounce worldwide, after the increase in Corona cases, and the struggle of countries to obtain a Corona vaccine.

Gold was down two hours after the start of trading today, before it suddenly continued to decline a second time.

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