Following the dismissal of Mortada Mansour, the Egyptian Interior Ministry enters the line


Previously, the Egyptian Olympic Committee decided to suspend the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club, Mortada Mansour, from the practice of any sporting activity in Egypt for a period of 4 years and fine him with an amount of 100,000 Egyptian pounds, without approving his representation of the Zamalek Sports Club in front of others and the judiciary with respect to the club.

It was also decided not to allow Mansour to preside over any meeting or general assembly or the board of directors of the Zamalek Sports Club during the suspension.

Also includes resolution "Not counting on his signature in any procedure, correspondence or other matters related to the Zamalek Club, especially financial matters or authorization in the same, and the Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Sports Club and the members of the Board of Directors will convene the first ordinary general assembly, including a point for the elections of vacant positions and in particular a position. Administration Counsel President".

The decision was made in the context of the results of the investigations into the complaints presented by both the president of the Al-Ahly club, the former president of the Zamalek club, the deputy and the members of the board of directors of the Zamalek Club, the Egyptian Association of Football, the head of the main referee committee of the Egyptian Football Association, the Egyptian Handball Federation and several sports figures, all of them affected by Mortada Mansour insulted and defamed them and the sports institutions they represent, using the Zamalek satellite channel, which he directed from his sports role, as well as social networks.


The ministry stated in a statement on its official Facebook page that “a security source stated that invitations to meet in front of the Zamalek club circulated on some Internet pages, in protest of the Olympic Committee’s decision on the club’s president.”

He added: “The ministry warns against any meeting outside the legal framework, and immediate legal action will be taken decisively in this regard … and emphasizes the need to adhere to legitimate methods for handling the committee’s decision.”

For his part, the president of the Zamalek Club issued an official statement in which he said: “I thank all the respectable Zamalek fans and I thank the members of the General Assembly for their respectful stance for my support in the recent crisis and the decisions issued. for the Egyptian Olympic Committee, and I also thank the Al-Ahly fans who also supported and supported me. “

He explained: “Today I began to take the first steps to go to the Judiciary by delivering a memorandum to the Minister of Youth and Sports Ashraf Sobhi requesting him to implement article 1 of Law 71 of 2017 and the rest of the articles of this law to announce the nullity. of the decision issued by the Olympic Committee on October 4, 2020, which includes suspending me from the practice of any activity. For a period of 4 years, which is the same decision that was previously repealed by the Egyptian judiciary two years ago. The memorandum included that in case the decision of the Olympic Committee is not declared null, this will be a negative decision.

Previously, the Egyptian Olympic Committee decided to suspend the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club, Mortada Mansour, from the practice of any sporting activity in Egypt for a period of 4 years and fine him with an amount of 100 thousand Egyptian pounds, without approving his representation of the Zamalek Sports Club before others and the judiciary in relation to the club.

It was also decided not to allow Mansour to preside over any meeting or general assembly or the board of directors of the Zamalek Sports Club for the duration of the suspension.

The decision also included “not having his signature in any procedure or correspondence, or anything else related to the Zamalek Club, especially financial matters or delegation thereof, and the Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Sports Club and the members of the Board of Directors must call the first ordinary general assembly that includes a point for the elections of the vacant positions “. In particular, the seat of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The decision was made in the context of the results of the investigations into the complaints made by the president of the Al-Ahly club, the former president of the Zamalek club, the deputy and members of the board of directors of the Zamalek Club, the Egyptian Football Association. , The head of the main referee committee of the Egyptian Football Association, the Egyptian Handball Federation and several sports figures, all of them affected, Mortada Mansour insulted, slandered and offended them and the sports institutions they represent, using the Zamalek satellite channel, which he directed from his sports role, as well as social networks.
