“Fit for his royal blood” … how global sites commented on a parade


12:08 a.m. M.

Sunday 04 April 2021

Books – Muhammad Safwat:

The Egyptian capital, Cairo, caught the world’s attention on Saturday night to follow the movement of the majestic procession of 22 ancient Egyptian kings on their journey from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the site of their permanent display at the Museum. of Civilization in Fustat. in ancient Egypt. The origins of royal mummies date back to the dynastic ages (17, 18, 19, 20), and the procession includes 18 mummies for kings and 4 mummies for queens.

In a ceremonial ceremony reported by the international media, during which President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi participated, and the Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, which hosted the parade of royal mummies, was inaugurated by firing numerous artillery shots to mark and welcome the reception. of the royal caravan.

The events were opened with dazzling musical and luminous performances in the areas where the procession path passes, and the mummies were carried in decorated carriages and written with their names in hieroglyphics and in both Arabic and English.

Foreign media: an unprecedented procession of ancient Egyptian kings

CNN chose a title for its coverage of the historic event, which it described as an unprecedented procession. She said that in a royal parade, she organized an unprecedented procession of ancient Egyptian kings through the streets of Cairo.

The British Broadcasting Corporation “BBC” highlighted the event, in a special coverage of it, which said: “In strict security arrangements, the mummies were transferred to their new place, in an event consistent with their royal blood and their status as nationals. . treasures “.

And the “BBC” that one of the most important pull factors in case of mummy transfer, is King Ramses II, the most famous pharaohs of the New Kingdom, who ruled for 67 years and signed the treaty known as the first peace treaty known to history.

The BBC considered Queen Hatshepsut the star of the royal procession, as she became the queen of Egypt at a time when women were not allowed to reach this position, and she has her own footprints in history. of ancient Egypt.

In the coverage of the American newspaper “Voice of America”, he said that the oldest mummies that were transferred from Tahrir to Ain Al Sira, where the Museum of Egyptian Civilization is located in the Golden Procession, is the mummy of King Tao, the last king of the 17th dynasty, who ruled in the 16th century BC.

France 24 said: “Under the watchful eye of security forces, the mummies will be transported seven kilometers (almost four miles) through the capital from the famous Egyptian Museum, where most of them have remained intact for more than a century. , to the Museum of Egyptian Civilization The background of the fireworks The mummies moved ordered by age in golden pharaonic chariots.

The mummies were accompanied by about 60 motorcycles, 150 horses and a pharaonic band led by the master Nader Abbasi. The mummies surrounded an obelisk in Tahrir Square, then the procession marched along the Nile River to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilization and was received by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi at his new permanent residence.
