First case of Corona in the World Handball “Egypt 2021”


First case of Corona in the Handball World Cup


The Handball World Cup in Egypt, on Friday, registered the first contagion with the “Covid-19” virus, and was in the ranks of champion Denmark.

The Danish Gaming Federation revealed that its player Emil Jakobsen and his colleague in their hotel room, Morten Olsen, have been isolated, expressing their hope that the latest test will be negative.

The “Covid-19” virus caused the withdrawal of Czechs and the United States on the eve of this Wednesday’s tournament due to the large number of infections in their ranks, and their place was replaced by the teams from North Macedonia and Switzerland.

As part of the ongoing coordination to implement all the World Championship health checks, Egyptian Minister of Youth and Sports Ashraf Sobhi and Health Hala Zayed decided to start carrying out virus detection checks every 24 hours for all teams participating in the tournament, members of the federations and organizing committees, hotel workers and medical teams, and all participants and within the bubble. Doctor.

The controls were carried out every 48 hours for the teams and every 72 hours for the members of the unions, organizing committees and hotel workers.

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For its part, the defending champion and champion of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Denmark, achieved an easy victory at the beginning of her career over Bahrain, participating for the third time in a row and fourth in its history, as a result of her fourth place in the AFC Asian Championship 2020.

Denmark won 34-20 after finishing the first half with a difference of nine goals 19-10, despite their lack of players due to “Covid-19”, in the fourth group competitions.

Source: “AFP”
