Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders


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The Ministry of Education and Technical Education announced methods and controls for the evaluation of basic subjects of first and second grade of secondary
In public and private schools, as well as the dates of the April and May exams, as follows:

Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders

– For high school first and second grade students, two combined exams are held in late April and late May at the school, with safe and supervisory committees. The exam is based on paper (multiple choice on a sheet combination of the attached table), as long as the answer is on a separate paper (Babel sheet).

Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders

– Each student is provided with a work containing the basic concepts and laws of the subject to use during an exam as a substitute for the textbook.

Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders

– The result of the first semester is (approved or not approved) and no grades are calculated for it in the case of completing the exam, but in the case of (not approved) a complementary exam with 15 questions for the subject is carried out. in multiple choice in a time of one hour, as long as these exams are taken before the April exams.

Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders

– The grade for the second semester represents 100% of the maximum grade for the subject and is calculated from the student’s average grade in the May and April exams.

Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders

A student who has encountered a technical problem that has not allowed him to take the exam for the subject in the first semester is counted as passed in this subject.

Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders

– For students who are absent from the first semester exams with a compulsive excuse accepted by the Director of the Directorate, the right to take a complementary exam through the school with a separate work for each absent subject for 15 questions for the subject in a multiple choice within one hour, provided these exams are taken before the exams.

Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders

Exam dates are in April and May according to the following times

Find out when the second semester exams are for high school first and second graders

  • The situation in Egypt

  • Injuries


  • Recovered


  • Mortality


  • The situation in the world

  • Injuries


  • Recovered


  • Mortality

