FilGoal | News | Zamalek Deputy Management Committee: Our goal is to maintain the stability of the soccer team


The councilor Hisham Ibrahim, deputy director of the interim committee for the management of the Zamalek club’s affairs, stressed that the current objective is to maintain the stability of the football team.

Hisham Ibrahim said on Zamalek TV: “Our main concern is to maintain the football team and implement all their requests, and the team is completely away from any administrative matters that occur in the club.”

“We are preparing for important matches in the Egyptian Cup and the stability of the team and the players must be preserved,” he added.

“The financial matters are not yet clear to us, but we will know the financial situation of the club when it receives the official reception of the club on Monday,” he added.

“The committee is very interested in the interest of the club and the provision of financial resources that will help fulfill the requests of the soccer team to renew player contracts and conclude new agreements,” he emphasized.

“We have a respectable team and we will work to strengthen it by including distinguished players,” he said.

“I assure the Zamalek fans and the club members that the white entity is well and will continue well.”

What happened?

The Ministry of Youth and Sports announced the suspension of the Board of Directors of Zamalek and the transfer of its financial violations to the Public Ministry.

The ministry issued an official statement in which it announced that the financial irregularities contained in the report of the Financial and Administrative Inspection and Inspection Commission and the infractions contained in the infractions were referred to the Public Ministry.

The statement adds: “The board of directors of the Zamalek club, its executive director and the financial director are temporarily suspended and excluded from the management of the club’s affairs until the investigations of the Prosecutor’s Office and the results derived from it are concluded. , or until the end of the legally established term for the board of directors, whichever occurs first. “

And the Giza Youth and Sports Directorate announced the temporary council headed by Zamalek, to succeed the Zamalek board of directors, which was suspended for financial irregularities.

The committee includes Ahmed Bakri Muhammad Hamida, President of the Cairo Court of Appeal, Hisham Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud, President of the Cairo Court of Appeal, and Muhammad Sayed Attia Ali Ahmed, Prosecutor of the Court of Cassation..

Mortada Mansour’s board has been in charge of the Zamalek club since 2014, after having led it between 2005 and 2006.

Mortada Mansour was reelected for a second term in 2017, a period that was expected to end in November 2021, but the suspension decision by the Ministry of Youth and Sports was earlier.
