FilGoal | News | Rejection of the tort of Zamalek and El-Shennawi and forcing the guard to return 8 million pounds to the White Castle


Adel El Shorbagy, head of the Football Association’s complaints committee, announced his final decision in the Zamalek Club case against Ahmed El Shennawy, a former goalkeeper for Pyramids and White Castle.

Al-Shorbaji told Ontime Sports: “The committee rejected the complaints of Zamalek and Ahmed El-Shenawy in this case.”

He added, “Zamalek wanted to get £ 8 million in interest from the goalkeeper, because El-Shenawi received this amount in 2018 and paid it back in 2020.”

He continued: “As for El-Shenawi, he presented documents that prove that he is not obliged to repay this amount.”

“But the committee rejected the complaints from the two parties and supported the decision of the Players Affairs Committee to force El-Shenawi to return £ 8 million to Zamalek.”

He concluded his statements: “This sentence is final and cannot be appealed against it again, so this case is over.”

Mortada Mansour, Chairman of Zamalek, wrote on Facebook: “The Complaints Committee of the Egyptian Football Association issued a final decision to force Ahmed El-Shenawy, the former goalkeeper of Zamalek and the current Pyramids, 8 million pounds in favor Zamalek, and if he does not pay the fine, he will be suspended indefinitely. Zamalek has no shield or sword and his rights are lost. ” “.
