FilGoal | News | Murphy to Liverpool fans: Salah is not mistaken … Let’s enjoy his brilliance before he leaves


Former Liverpool player Danny Murphy believes that Mohamed Salah was not wrong in his speech when he left the door open for a possible move to Real Madrid or Barcelona in the future.

The last few days have seen statements that point to the instability of the relationship between Salah and Liverpool. At first, Salah had a long dialogue with the newspaper AS, during which he spoke about Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​saying: “Real Madrid and Barcelona are two great teams. We never know what will happen in the future” (See details).

Murphy wrote in his Daily Mail column: “All Salah did was that he did not say that he would remain with Liverpool until the end of his career, nor did he completely close the door to the possibility of moving to Barcelona or Real Madrid.”

He added: “Any Liverpool fan wants Salah to put aside any speculation about a transfer to either team, but if you think about it from Salah’s point of view, it’s understandable.”

He continued: “Salah did not grow up in England, his family may want to live in a warmer climate or a different culture.”

“These days, it’s natural for players to leave their options open,” explained the former Liverpool and Tottenham player.

And he highlighted: “Let us enjoy the brilliance of Salah and hope that he continues this brilliance so that Liverpool can win the English Premier League again and claim the Champions League title as he will not leave before the next transfer period. summer at least. “

And Murphy sent a message to Liverpool fans saying: “Salah was sincere in this interview, so don’t let it change your view of him as a person.”

Salah is eighth on the Guardian list of the 100 best players in the world

In the match that followed Salah’s remarks to the AS newspaper, the Egyptian star sat on Liverpool’s benches against Crystal Palace before taking part, scoring two goals, scoring one and continuing to shine in the English Premier League.

Then Mohamed Abu Trika, the Egyptian soccer star and BBC Sports analyst, revealed the details of his recent conversation with Salah, saying: “Salah told me that he feels upset, but this does not affect his level.” (Read their full statements)

Then Klopp said that his club does not force anyone to stay and asked why any player would want to leave Liverpool (Read their full statements)

Liverpool are preparing to face West Bromwich Albion in round 15 of the English Premier League on Sunday.
