FilGoal | News | Khaled Murtaji explains … the position of Ramadan Sobhi, the fate of Abdel Hafeez and the Kahraba case


What is Ramadan Sobhi’s position? Did the club decide to fire Sayed Abdel Hafeez, director of the ball, and what about the Mahmoud Abdel Moneim case, “Kahraba”? Many questions answered by Khaled Murtaji, Al-Ahly Board Member.

Murtaji’s first question was about Ahmad Fathi: Did he speak to him personally, as his friend?

The Al-Ahly board member replied, “I have never spoken to Fathi or spoken to any player.”

“If he talks to me, Fathi told him that he had made a 100% mistake in his decision, with all my love for him,” he added.

“I was hoping he would continue with Al-Ahly,” he said.

The pyramids announced their formal contract with Al-Ahly and the Egyptian national team, Ahmed Fathi, in a free transfer agreement, after the latter decided not to renew with the Red Genie. (See details)

What is Ramadan Sobhi’s position? Khaled Murtaji said: “The Ramadan position is a purely technical vision.”

He went back to the memory to reveal: “Mahmoud Al-Khatib asked me during my travel company, Nader Shawky, to borrow Ramadan Sobhi, that the loan would be for two seasons with the right to purchase.”

“But then the English club rejected that.”

He continued, “Ramadan is from the roots of Al-Ahly and a son of the club. I hope he will continue with the club for sure.”

“Feiler definitely wants to be there, and the Planning Commission wants that, too,” he said.

Another exciting question Khaled Murtaji mentioned is the fate of Sayed Abdel Hafeez, the club’s football director, after several reports emerged that “the club decided to fire Abdel Hafeez.”

Khaled Murtaji explained: “Abdul Hafeez’s fate? The entire file on the ball is in the hands of Mahmoud Al-Khatib and the Planning Committee.”

“Al-Khatib never spoke to us about Abdul Hafeez’s fate. The board of directors did not discuss this at all,” he said.

He continued his speech saying: “Al-Khatib is convinced of Abdul Hafeez and as long as he is convinced of him, I am also convinced of him, because he is responsible for the archive of the ball.”

He added: “In the end, if an error occurs by Abdul Hafeez or someone, then the position will be taken based on this error, as is usual in Al-Ahly.”

The last file that Al-Ahly’s board member talked about was the electrification case and the club case.

“We signed an agreement with Kahraba in a free transfer agreement. The player broke his contract by mutual agreement in Portugal and we obtained his international card. We are not part of any other crisis,” Murtaji stressed.

And Zamalek continued, saying that we were the ones who caused the electrification crisis as a “bridge”, and this did not happen at all.

“I am confident 100% of the security of our position in the Electrification file. If there is a fine to be imposed, it will not be in the club, then why should we pay it?”

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