FilGoal | News | Jamal Mohamed Ali recounts the exclusion scenes: We were surprised by the Tunisian pressure as we left the stadium


Gamal Mohamed Ali, head of mission for the Egyptian youth team, revealed the scenes of exclusion of the pharaohs from facing Tunisia.

The North African Union excluded Egypt from the clash with Tunisia on Friday, on the pretext that there are not enough players (15) on the list, in the tournament that qualifies the African Nations for youth.

“I spoke with the president of the North African Union and he told me that Egypt will take its right, God willing,” Gamal Mohamed Ali said.

He continued via On Time Sports 2: “Before the first game against Libya, I attended a meeting with the Libyan delegation, the general secretary of the Tunisian federation, the party observer and the doctors, and the matter was studied and it was decided to cancel the match because the number allowed by us was not available at that time. “

He added: “But the situation in the Tunisian party was completely different.”

He revealed: “We did a quick swab for the two men, Ahmed Nabil and Mahmoud Saber, and we tested their safety.”

He continued: “Then we did the regular swab that takes longer, and Ahmed Nabil’s result was negative, while Mahmoud Saber was negative, and that was during the mission trip to the field.”

He added: “I called the technical staff and informed them of Saber’s positive result, and asked them to remove him from main training and dismiss him.”

He stressed that “Even with Saber leaving the match list, we had 15 players and we could play.”

He added: “Ahmed Nabil’s sample was positive in the past and turned negative, and we have subjected him to additional tests that Kaf requires, and we sent them to him.”

He explained: “We got to the match stadium and got confirmation from the Libyan match observer after handing over our roster, and the players started to warm up and then went into the locker room and got ready to go out to the stadium and I started to motivate and urge them to stay. adhere to sportsmanship during the game, and suddenly I found them calling me. “

He revealed: “I went to find the members of the Tunisian Union meeting with Hadi Al-Zahar, a sufficient doctor – of Tunisian nationality – and objecting to the presence of Ahmed Nabil on the list, and Al-Zahhar told me that he could not participate to despite the fact that we provided them with everything that the negative of their sample proves. “

He added: “There was an altercation with him because he refused to give me the paper that proved the negativity of the player sample that I had given him earlier, so I had to photograph him while it was in his hand.”

He continued: “The match observer told me that the match will be canceled by a sufficient doctor and not by the assistant.”

He concluded: “The result is pending and has not been resolved. We are awaiting the final decision that may be issued on Saturday.”

The Egyptian Football Association officially announced that it had lodged a protest with its counterpart “K” for the rematch of the match against Tunisia. (See details)

The complete history

The swab that Egypt’s youth team underwent three days before the game in Libya, showed 16 cases infected by Coronavirus, in addition to Rabie Yassin, the team’s coach..

Given this fact, the Egyptian team was considered withdrawn against Libya in the first round of the North African U-20 Championship, which qualified for the 2021 Youth African Cup in Mauritania..

The Confederation of the African Football Confederation (CAF) for combined tournaments for the 2020/2021 season says that the minimum limit for any team to play a match is 15 players, including a goalkeeper, and this is not available in the selection Egyptian national..

Here, the youth team decided to call in players from Egypt to fill in the number and play the rest of the tournament matches, hoping to qualify..

The two new players, Mustafa “Messi”, the Ceramica Cleopatra player, and Ahmed Hossam, the El Gouna player, arrived in Tunisia on Thursday morning, accompanied by a small delegation that also includes Mohamed Abu El-Ela, a doctor for the Egyptian first team, and Mohamed Mahmoud, a physiotherapist, to supervise the treatment of the injured..

But the happy news stopped here, after Walid Maher, a spokesman for the youth team, announced the emergence of Tunisia’s new match result, which showed a positive display of new players from the existing strength in Tunisia from scratch, so that the situation returns as it was and the number ready to comply is only 14 players. What prevents the party.

On Friday morning, the Egyptian team revealed the negativity of the Egyptian team players and, therefore, the possibility of celebrating the match. But the problem is that the last swab was outside the official framework, so the approval of the medical committee must be obtained to approve the result of the swab and hold the meeting..

After full consultations, the CAF decided to cancel the match and consider the Egyptian team a 2-0 loss to Tunisia..
