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Egyptian soccer fans received shocking news, as described by the Confederation of African Soccer (CAF), announcing the disappearance of the African Cup of Nations from its tournament round. What added to the commotion was that the cup stolen for the 2010 tournament.

Let’s start by explaining why the 2010 Cup is more important than the 2006 and 2008 Cups, which were won by the Egyptian team, writing a history of three consecutive games.

The custom in the different football tournaments – not local – stipulates that the crowned team keeps the title of the same tournament on three occasions, its cup for life, as long as no other team precedes it in reaching this figure.

The Egyptian team is the leader in the African Cup of Nations, it is the most crowned title seven times and it is the first to win the title, and despite that, Egypt is only left with a copy of the championship for life according to the laws , which is the 2010 Cup.

Egypt won the first two versions of the African Cup of Nations in 1957 and 1959, so the pharaohs were on a date to retain the cup for life if they achieved the third title, but Ghana preceded the pharaohs and won the title three times in 1964, 1965 and 1978 to keep the cup for life.

Ghana obtained a miniature version of the cup for life, and the original cup remained in the coffers of the African Union, and the CAF created a new cup for the tournament.

The second edition of the African Cup of Nations was called the “United Africa Cup” and Egypt also came close to keeping it after it secured two copies of the African Nations in 1986 and 1998, but Egypt did not clinch the third title until Cameroon preceded it. for the first time in 2000 and reached his third title with this cup. To keep it for life.

As usual, Cameroon got a miniature version of the cup, and the trophy remained in the coffers of the African Football Confederation.

Starting in 2006, Egypt achieved the historic triple as the first team to win the championship title three times in a row, for which they are entitled to keep the cup for life.

However, unlike in earlier times, Egypt did not obtain a miniature copy, but obtained a copy completely identical to the original, to be kept in the coffers of the Egyptian Football Association.

It is the copy that has been stolen, however

It’s not original

Our doors are open to support Egyptian Federation To make up for these priceless memories. This was the transcript of the tweet published by the CAF account on Sunday. went to ask a Kaf source what is meant by compensation that can be provided.

“The Secretary General of CAF responded to a request to publish a letter of support to Egypt in this regard, and KAF’s desire to provide assistance.”

He explained via, “Egypt does not have any original copies of the Africa Cup, and this tradition has been discontinued a long time ago.”

“The lost trophy is not original, and the 2006 and 2008 tournament cups that were recovered are not original either,” he said.

He continued: “Cameroon, the last team to keep the original copy of the African Cup of Nations, but we, as the International Federation, stopped working on this protocol and Egypt didn’t keep any original copy before we stopped working on he”.

When did it disappear?

This brings us to the most important question, When did the cup disappear?

Essam Abdel Fattah, a member of the last two councils elected to manage the Football Association, and Tharwat Sweilem, a former executive director, confirm that some cups have disappeared from the Football Association headquarters, including the 2010 Cup, after the fire at the Jabaliya headquarters in March 2013.

Thus, it is assumed that there will be official records of the disappearance of the cups during the reign of the City Council of Jamal Allam, who in turn said that the cup was stolen in 2013.

A member of the five-year committee for the management of the Football Association currently, who preferred not to be named, told “In fact, there are previous reports of the disappearance of some cups, badges and medals after the fire of 2013 “.

He added: “The problem here is that the records did not mention the mugs that were lost by name. Therefore, we decided to investigate the matter to ensure that the 1998 and 2010 mugs were among the items stolen during this period.”

Walid Al-Attar, current CEO of the Football Association, explained the steps of the investigation to, saying: “We are conducting an internal investigation with the account and store departments.”

He continued: “We have not yet informed any security authority and we are satisfied with the internal investigation.”

A glass of musk

Official records say Hamada Al-Masry, a former member of the board of directors of the Football Association, returned the 2006 and 2008 cups to the federation’s coffers after they were stolen.

We couldn’t invent a time machine to go back in time and find out what happened at the Football Association headquarters, but we went to Hamada Al-Masry to take back the incident and what happened after the fire.

Al-Masry started his conversation with saying: “First, I must clarify that the tournament wheel at the headquarters of the old Football Association contained some cups, I remember there were 6 African cups and a cup for the Arab Championship with some shields “.

He continued: “Some of the cups were stolen during the fire of the headquarters of the Football Association, since some thugs broke into the headquarters with some ordinary citizens who were by chance and did not enter with malicious intent.”

And he continued: “I got a call from people after the fire that I was the most famous member of the Football Association at that time, and they told me they had two cups, and I met them and got them back, which were 2006 and 2008. “.

He added: “All the cups at the Football Association headquarters are not original, and the lost 2010 cup is not original and was stolen from 2013, and a theft report was filed in time, and the police and prosecution investigated. this issue”.

Al-Masry indicated that the annual inventory process at the Football Association does not include the tournament wheel, but refers to other requirements for contracts and purchases.

He explained: “There are two things that need to be clarified, namely that theft is unacceptable, that is, the value of the stolen object must be investigated and the culprit must be investigated, and the second is that the way in which it is handled The news currently hurts Egypt and its football value, which owns the oldest football association in Africa and his team holds the record for winning the Nations Cup. “

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How we get it back

If we surrender to reality and what happened becomes a thing of the past, this brings us to the final question of our investigation, How do we recover the lost trophy?

Hamada Al-Masry replied to FilGoal.comThe stolen cup is not originalKaf is implementing the cup design in Italy and gives it to the winning team, and whoever steals the cup thinks they have stolen 8 kilograms of gold, and that is not true, as it is just a model of a design that can be implement better than in Al-Moski.

And he continued: “Sometimes you find among the fans in the stands someone who raises a cup is better than the cup that the winner gets, but the value is in the crowning and not in the cup.”

This is what our source confirmed from Kaf, and he blurted out, saying, “If Egypt asks for a cup instead of the lost one, we will send you another copy, and it won’t be original either.

He concluded his words: “This is nothing new. There are local federations that wasted cups during the renovation or relocation of their headquarters, and they went to send alternatives, and we did.”

Internal investigations are still ongoing at the Football Association, and the Sports Ministry has formed a committee to urgently investigate the theft within the Football Association.

Former officials of the governing body of football in Egypt are surprised that this file was opened 7 years after the disappearance of the cup, while the current ones want to absolve them of the problems they found in Jabaliya.

And among them, the protagonists of the historical generation of the pharaohs and their fans lament a date that all the evidence says will not be repeated, but a substitute glass of enough can heal the wound, even temporarily, until someone comes. to win another drink.

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