FilGoal | News | Ibrahim Abdullah explains the fact that Shikabala and Hazem Imam have been summoned for prosecution. Criticizes the Basketball Association and Al-Ameri Farouk


Ibrahim Abdullah, member of the Executive Committee in Zamalek, confirmed that what is being raised about the call of Mahmoud Abdel-Razek to “Shikabala” and Hazem Imam of the players of the white team to make his statements on the cancellation of the basketball match between his club and Al-Ahly are just rumors.

Ibrahim Abdullah spoke about MBC Egypt, saying: “There are rumors emanating from all directions to hit the stability of Zamalek, and this is a crisis that we have put into it and I repeat it because of an irresponsible official, the Vice President of Al-Ahly. Board of Directors. I don’t say people’s names, but this is a deviation from focus and behavior. Alahli Soccer Club ”.

He added: “The Zamalek board of directors respects the board of directors of Al-Ahly, and vice versa, and sports are an honorable competition that does not deviate from the text, but when an official leaves the focus of his board of directors, an individual behavior remains. which I will not attribute to Al-Ahly. “

And he continued: “It is he who insists on leaving Shikabala out of the stadium, when you insist on leaving out a specific person, whoever he is, this is racist behavior and is an insult to that person.”

Ibrahim Abdullah announced his presence with the head of the committee in charge of the management of Zamalek, Emad Abdel Aziz, in the department of Agouza, to complete the release of the ten members of Zamalek who were arrested in connection with what happened in the basket.

He said: “Imad Abdel Aziz and I were in the Agouza department to complete the paperwork to release the ten Zamalek members who were arrested.”

Ibrahim Abdullah continued his speech: “Since our arrival, we have been working daily for Zamalek to preserve him and all the football games and equipment, and to pay off many obligations of players and workers, pay debts and reestablish memberships that have been illegal. suspended. “

He added: “And we are up against the unions that do not implement the regulations and believe that Zamalek is a weak club, and they forget that Zamalek is the largest sports castle in Egypt. There are many who believe that Zamalek is a weak club.” .

When asked about these federations, he said: “As the decisions of the Basketball Association, which met in less than 24 hours to approve the victory of the opposing club, despite our commitment and the commitment of our fans to leave the stadium as soon as possible. the referee requests the match “.

He continued: “But the insistence of an irresponsible official to act individually against the character of the Al-Ahly club, putting the whole world in crisis, what has he gained? Nothing has benefited.”

And he asked: “What is the reason for an emergency meeting in less than 24 hours, the Basketball Association? There is a meeting of the competition committee during which the report of the referee and the match observer is reviewed, and there are cameras of television channels that can verify what happened, then the Zamalek administration said that what happened is not true. “

He concluded: “Those who lead Zamalek are statesmen and they know the meaning of the mandate and that we must triumph.”
