FilGoal | News | Handball – El Shishtawy: From “door to door”, an Egyptian invention to face Corona in the World Cup


Mamdouh El Shishtawy, president of the Handball World Championship Residency and Accommodation Committee, revealed that the Japanese team will arrive in Egypt this Sunday amid unprecedented precautionary measures from landing at the airport until arriving at the hotel designated for the mission.

“The organizing committee, in coordination with the medical committee and the Ministry of Health, took into account the highest degree of precautionary measures,” added Al-Shishtawy.

The committee chairman followed the “door-to-door” system followed in the championship, considered an Egyptian invention that guarantees the highest levels of sanitary isolation. Each tournament hotel contains a quasi-hospital in its own right. The imposition of the medical bubble system remained a championship. “

El Shishtawy Wasel “There will be a delegation from the Ministry of Health supervising the feeding and nutrition of the teams participating in the championship, with approximately 5 to 8 isolation rooms inside each hotel, and it was agreed to carry out smears to all hotel employees who they house the teams every 3 days. “

This comes in light of the Supreme Organizing Committee’s eagerness to preserve the safety of the teams and all tournament employees in the bubble system that is being applied for the first time to face the Coronavirus pandemic.

The International Federation delegation had expressed their amazement with all the details of the hotel stay and how to implement the precautionary measures and corridors for the Handball World Championship to be held in Egypt from January 13 to 31, 2021.

The World Cup competitions are held in 4 halls, including the Great Hall in the Cairo Stadium, the New Hall of the Administrative Capital, the Burj Al Arab Hall and the new hall on October 6.

This is the first version of the World Hand Championship, which includes 32 teams instead of 24 for the first time in history, as the championship teams were divided into 8 groups, and each group includes 4 teams.
