FilGoal | News | Contractor load chart explains to VJ: How the team reached the ideal fitness level … and a penalty for excess fat


High physical form shown by the Arab Contractors team since the league resumed after the long hiatus due to the Corona virus.

Likewise, a high physical level appeared in the body of more than one player from the team that is competing hard to finish the league in the golden box.

The team, which ranks third in the Egyptian league standings with a score of 47 points, has managed to resolve more than one match in a deadly time after the resumption of the competition, such as beating Zamalek and Haras El Hodoud.

Then he left To Abd al-Rahman Issa, the Arab Contractors load planner and team fitness trainer, to talk to him about how the players of a team reached this high physical level, especially the duo Muhammad Essam and Taher Muhammad Taher.

Abd al-Rahman Issa explained the contractor loading scheme, how the players of the yellow and black team achieved this ideal body structure after resuming the league, and how he works with the team.

Abdul Rahman said “For the load chart to work and display the results of your work well, you need to collect information about the physical condition of each player and convert this information into numbers so that we can work on it.”

He added, “In contractors, we work with the numbers of each player separately and in full coordination between the coaching staff and also the nutritionist doctor.”

He continued: “For example, after reviewing the numbers of the players, I ask the coaching staff to do a training for each player between 6 and 8 kilometers, and a distance of 600 or 700 meters.”

Mohamed Essam, the player of the contractors

“So we divide the players into 5 groups or more, to work with each group separately, according to their physical condition and their own numbers,” he explained.

And he stressed that “the main objective is for the player to reach the ideal weight and the appropriate physical structure so that his production on the field is pure physical strength.”

He explained: “When a player weighs 70 kilograms net, he brings physical strength on the playing field that weighs 72 kilos and has a high percentage of fat.”

He noted, “So we are working so that all the players on the team have perfect bodies with a very small percentage of fat, and this appeared in most of the players on the team after resuming activity.”

He also revealed: “Our team includes a nutritionist, Hani Wahba, who used to work at the Al-Ahly Club and works in full coordination with the technical staff, the loading apparatus and the physical preparation.”

How did the contractors’ players get to this physical condition in a short time?

Abdul Rahman Issa On this question, he said: “The moment the activity stopped, the team had a negative rest for only two weeks, after which direct training with all the players began, and we focused on the physical side.”

“And when the team returned to group training, all the players were in a magnificent physical level, and from the first day we started training with the ball with the coaching staff, and we did not need a period of physical preparation like other teams”, said.

Helping players

Taher Mohamed Taher, Contractor Player

The load chart praised the players on his team, saying: “I have to pay tribute to the contract players because they want to be in good physical shape, follow all the instructions and run for perfect bodies because this helps them a lot on the field.” .

“The coaching staff has also fined any player on the team whose body fat percentage exceeds 9%, but there is not a single player on the team who has reached that percentage, and as I said before, all players perform the exercises. that are required of them and maintain the diet that has marked them. Nutrition expert “.

Regarding how to measure the percentage of fat of each player, he said: “We measure the percentage of fat of each player weekly with the regular device, and there is another device that calculates the percentage of fat in the body of each player accurately and in detail. , which we use once every two weeks. “

And he continued, “What also helps us is that the physical preparation method that we follow in contractors makes the player reach an ideal body in a fast time and with the same exercises that any player from another team does, but the reason is It is due to the total coordination between the technical and physical body and the nutrition expert and working the numbers of each player individually “. .

“Therefore, when a player is reaching the maximum level of fitness while doing natural exercises, he is excited about preserving his body and when he has reached it, because this makes him a greater physical capacity on the field,” he added.

He concluded his words: “I have been working in the field of physical preparation in football for several years and now we are preparing a course to prepare 100 physical teams for different sports teams in Egypt.”

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