FilGoal | News | Chairman of the Zamalek Steering Committee: You will continue to lead the club for a year and I say to the fans, don’t worry.


Councilor Ahmed Bakri, head of the temporary committee in charge of managing the affairs of the Zamalek club, revealed the scenes of his appointment to this position.

Ahmed Bakri said on the White Club channel: “The assignment was based on a contact with the Minister of Youth and Sports and I and the rest of the committee offered to take over the leadership of Zamalek for one year and then hold elections at the end of next year. “.

He added: “I immediately agreed to assume this responsibility because I cannot be late to the Zamalek club.”

On the position of the football team, he said: “A committee in charge of the management of football affairs was formed at the Zamalek Club, made up of Ayman Yunus, Ashraf Qassem and Abdel Halim Ali.”

“The committee will take care of everything related to football at the club, and no one will interfere in their work,” he explained.

“The committee in charge of managing the affairs of the club will meet tomorrow, Monday and, in light of what we will find in the club, we will begin to act.”

He remarked that “of course, priority is given to the financial matters of the football team, whether it is the renewal of the contract of some players whose contracts are about to expire and the disbursement of the team and coaching staff fees, as well the new agreements that the technician will request “.

“We know very well that time is short, but we will resolve all these issues quickly,” he said.

He concluded his speech: “I assure the Zamalek fans that things will turn out the way the football team wants, and the situation will be comfortable and we will fulfill all the requests of the coaching staff.”

What happened?

The Ministry of Youth and Sports announced the suspension of the Board of Directors of Zamalek and the transfer of its financial violations to the Public Ministry.

The ministry issued an official statement in which it announced that the financial irregularities contained in the report of the Financial and Administrative Inspection and Inspection Commission and the infractions contained in the infractions were referred to the Public Ministry.

The statement adds: “The board of directors of the Zamalek club, its executive director and the financial director are temporarily suspended and excluded from the management of the club’s affairs until the investigations of the Prosecutor’s Office and the results derived from it are concluded. , or until the end of the legally established term for the board of directors, whichever occurs first. “

And the Giza Youth and Sports Directorate announced the temporary council headed by Zamalek, to succeed the Zamalek board of directors, which was suspended for financial irregularities.

The committee includes Ahmed Bakri Muhammad Hamida, President of the Cairo Court of Appeal, Hisham Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud, President of the Cairo Court of Appeal, and Muhammad Sayed Attia Ali Ahmed, Prosecutor of the Court of Cassation..

Mortada Mansour’s board has been in charge of the Zamalek club since 2014, after having led it between 2005 and 2006.

Mortada Mansour was reelected for a second term in 2017, a period that was expected to end in November 2021, but the suspension decision by the Ministry of Youth and Sports was earlier.
