FilGoal | News | BBC: Ahmed Ahmed may be suspended from FIFA for “violating ethical rules”


Ahmed Ahmed, president of the African Football Confederation, runs the risk of being suspended by the international federation “FIFA” for violating ethical standards.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) revealed, according to its sources, that Ahmed Ahmed, president of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), had violated various ethical standards.

And Ahmed announced today, Wednesday, his intention to run for a second term when the African Union elections take place next March.

The BBC said the matter has been called into question after the investigation chamber of the world soccer governing body ruled that it had violated several codes of conduct.

A source revealed to the BBC that the next step will be for the courtroom to issue a ruling against him, which will happen before the end of November.

Any interruption would likely rule out the chances of Ahmed Ahmed being re-elected.

BBC Sport Africa revealed that the alleged violations include the role of President Kav in the controversial deal in favor of Tactical Steel.

Tactical Steel is a little-known French gym manufacturer, run by Ahmed’s friend, who provided sportswear equipment to CAF in 2017 after canceling a deal with Puma.

At the time, Ahmed denied the accusations against him for any irregularity in the deal, describing it as completely false and malicious with the aim of smearing him.
