FilGoal | News | Bale: I will return to Real Madrid


Gareth Bale, the player from Wales and Tottenham, confirmed that he intends to return to Real Madrid following the completion of his loan from the latter to the Spurs team, indicating that he returned to the English Premier League in search of an opportunity to participate. in matches before Euro 2020.

“I think the main reason I came back to Tottenham was to play football in the first place,” Bale told a news conference. “Before the Euro, I wanted to be ready.”

“The main plan was to play one season at Tottenham, and after the European Championship I have a one-year contract with Real Madrid,” he added.

And he added: “My plan is to return, this is what I have planned so far. I always think that when things are not going well in a team it is good that you stay away from this environment.”

Bale prepares for a strong showdown on Wednesday against host Belgium at the start of the European qualifiers for the 2022 World Cup.

On Saturday they will face Mexico in a friendly and on March 30 Wales will host the Czechs in the second round of the qualifying rounds.

Bale plays with Tottenham on loan from Real Madrid until next June.

The 31-year contract with Real Madrid runs until 2022.

Bale appeared in 25 games for Tottenham this season, scoring 10 goals and sending 3 assists.

He hopes to continue at a good level before the start of the European Championship next June in which Wells will play in Group A with Italy, Switzerland and Turkey.
