FilGoal | News | Aruabarina Conference: Pyramids is an ambitious and tempting project for any coach. The club seeks to write history


Pyramids’ new coach Rodolfo Aruabarina said his team’s project is ambitious and tempting for any coach, especially as the club seeks to make history and win championships. And that in a conference presented to journalists.

The Argentine coach said: “I am very happy to assume the leadership of the team and I thank the management for the confidence in my abilities and the negotiation that was fast, and during the sessions we reached an agreement that pleased me with the project, the ambitions and the club’s goals. “

And he continued: “I will try to do my best to achieve the goals set, and it is not necessary to talk too much. We need to work hard on the field. There are games and a difficult season and the Egyptian League is very strong and difficult, and we hope to appear in a distinctive way. in her”.

He continued: “We must work seriously during the next stage, and not pay attention to the conversations, and our focus must be on the work and diligence of the players.”

He continued: “The meetings between the administration and myself were the most technical, far from the administrative matters.”

He continued: “The Egyptian League is very important in the Arab region and has a long history, two of them play the final of the Champions League, and Pyramids reached the final of the Confederacy, and has an impressive number of stars, very proud of his project and its required objectives and was an important reason for hiring with the club “.

“The Pyramids project is very ambitious and tempting for any coach and the club seeks to make history and win championships. The officials showed me the importance and seriousness during the negotiations. I felt happy in the sessions with the plans outlined, which made me excited about assume the formation of the team that seeks to compete for all the championships “.

He continued, “All world leagues have their pros and cons. I will need some time to get to know the players closely, which will be available through daily contact with them. They are high-level players and I hope to achieve something positive.”

“I looked at the players and found very good quality,” he concluded. “The negotiation and the signing were carried out quickly with the Pyramids officials. There will be 4 assistants in the auxiliary apparatus together with Mahmoud Fathallah and Amr Mukhtar.”

And the Pyramids club officially announced the signing of Argentine coach Rodolfo Aruabarina, a contract that runs until the summer of 2022.

Mamdouh Eid, Executive Director of the Pyramids Club, said during the conference: “I am very happy to receive the services of Aruabarina as coach of the team, because he is able to achieve the goals and ambitions of the club in the new season.”

Aruabarina continued, “Aruabarina has all the specifications we need in the first team. He is known for his strong personality and the style of play that suits us, and his achievements as well. He has won 8 championships in 8 seasons, which will help us win. the championships in the new season. “

He continued: “He worked for more than one club similar to ours. He is a young manager, but his story will be great as coach of Pyramids, which will be one of the most important stations in his history.”

“Our goal at Pyramids has always been stability and building the future, so we signed with him for two seasons, because we are aiming for stability and we are convinced of it, and the contract can be extended beyond two seasons. We try to focus on the long term and provide him with a safety factor during his work with the club. “

Pyramids decided to terminate the contract of former Croatian coach Ante Cacic after losing the Confederation final to Moroccan club RS Berkane.
