FilGoal | News | Amr Gamal: From what I saw … Hossam Ghaly is to blame in his crisis with Osama Nabih


Tala’i Al-Jaish’s attacker, who is loaned to him by Al-Ahly, Amr Gamal believes that his former captain, Hossam Ghali, is to blame in his crisis with Osama Nabih, the former head coach of the Egyptian national team.

“From what I saw, Ghali was wrong,” Jamal said in comments to Time Sports 2.

“I was present during the beginning of the problem, and Ghali was nervous and (tight with me),” he said.

“After that, I reconciled with Ghali at the lunch table, and after that, Ghali heard Osama Nabih say (the players are together now, and if something had happened, they would say the team is divided).”

He continued: “Ghali did not accept these words and expressed his objection.”

“His Prophet told Ghali that he did not say these words. I accepted this from Ghali because I know his personality and he is sometimes nervous. The situation could have gone smoothly,” he said.

This crisis caused Hosam Ghali to leave the team until he retired from football.

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