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Al-Ahly completed his agreement with South African coach Pitso Musimane to succeed Swiss Rene Fyler as team captain.

وعلم Musaimani’s apparatus includes 3 of his assistants, provided the contract is for a two-year period.

Your review The most outstanding information about the assistants of the South African coach before the leadership of Al-Ahly.

Rollani Moccoyna

Moccuena is the assistant coach and recently rejoined Pitso Mosimane’s squad at the Sundowns.

Mukwena was named an assistant coach at Sundowns last July, following his departure from the team in 2017.

Mocoyna is 33, the son of former Orlando Pirates footballer Julias Sunu and a family of footballers.

He began his career as a professional coach on the youth teams of the Silver Stars club, later known as the Platinum Stars.

Mocoyna joined a study course in Europe to learn about the English Premier League, specifically Liverpool.

He joined Sundowns in 2014 as part of the club’s development team and was subsequently promoted to assistant to Pitso Mosimane.

Mocoyna continued with the team until 2017 and helped the team win its first CAF Champions League title in 2016.

Mokoena later moved to the Orlando Pirates to work as an assistant to Milutin Seridojevic “Micho”, a former Zamalek coach.

He assumed technical leadership in August 2019 temporarily after Meizhou’s resignation, continued at the helm of the team for 5 months and played 14 games, winning 4, drawing 5 and losing another 5.

Mokwena then returned to second-man assignment when he served as Joseph Zainbauer’s assistant from December 2019 to March 2020.

Last March, Mocoyna moved to Chiba United to work as the team’s coach, but the matter was not completed due to the Corona virus pandemic and he led a game that ended in a draw.

Last July, Mokwena returned to the Sundowns again to work as an assistant coach with Musimane before moving in with him to lead Al-Ahly.

Capello Rangwana

Rangwana is a loading coach on Musimane’s coaching staff, and perhaps his most notable feature is “planning.”

Rangwana joined the Sundowns coaching staff in 2014 from Platinum Stars, and previously worked for a time with the South African national team.

Speaking to Power Radio 98.7 in 2018, Kapilua Rangwana shared the secret of Sundowns’ success, saying, “This is good planning, and I mean this word specifically.”

He continued: “You have to know what to do. Planning is the way to success. We know what our program will be like next month. You can choose any date and I will tell you what we will do.”

“My job is basically to design a training program for the team throughout the season, to make sure that the players implement the coaches’ plans at 100% fitness level,” Rangwana revealed.

He concluded his words: “The starting point is to enroll in any sports science institution. It is important to learn physiology. My job is the link between medical personnel and training personnel. You must obtain a training badge to be able to speak the same. language than the coach. “

Moussa matlaba

Matlaba is one of three Sundowns training performance analysts, and previously studied Sports Science at the University of Pretoria and worked at a DVD store.

Matlapa revealed the secret of Sundowns’ success in a press interview in 2018, saying: “We learned ourselves and developed our working methods. I went to study analytics in Amsterdam last year. It was good to see that we are doing the same things that are making international teams. “

“We were lucky enough to be with José Barros, the Monaco assistant coach who is also the head of analysis, and he showed us how they are doing things there, which is exactly the way we work.”

Matlaba revealed: “Manchester City, for example, have eight analysts for the first team. We don’t have that luxury in Africa. Teams continue to work without the importance of an analyst.”

Regarding the deal with Musimani, he explained: “He has established a philosophy and a style of play, and the philosophy has different approaches on how to attack, defend and move between them. My mission is to monitor that and make sure that we play according to what he specified and the planning required of them. “

“We also follow leading teams around the world to identify recent trends and patterns, and it is no shame to copy something that is done better,” he added.

He concluded his comments: “Before coming to Mosimane, he told me that there are no working hours with him. We are working all the time. He can send a message at 3 am about something he wants to show in training and we should be ready by the morning”.

Matlaba was not satisfied with his success with Sundowns, having joined last July to study for the UEFA C training license organized by the Scottish Federation.

Musimani also studied the CAF PRO license, which was an online training course due to travel conditions and the coronavirus pandemic.

Matlapa revealed that Musimane is encouraging members of the coaching staff to study more to ensure that knowledge is the key to success.
