FilGoal | News | Ahmed Hassan: I felt like I was a “calamity worker”. Why did the topic open up after 10 years?


Ahmed Hassan, former captain of the Egyptian national team, denounced on his behalf the “loss of the African Cup of Nations 2010”.

Ahmed Hassan, when asked about the remaining place for the African Cup of Nations, replied: “I don’t know.”

He added via MBC Egypt: “The four mugs I have a photo with are a (maket) that I keep at home.”

He continued: “Ten years have passed and it is strange that people are talking about it now after the succession of 3 boards of directors of the Football Association.”

Al-Saqr continued: “What saddened me is that Ahmed Schubert, an able journalist, put my name in and said I have the cup.”

And he added: “It is professional that while I put my name, call me and confirm the information.”

He noted: “Schubert himself was a deputy for the Football Association on the previous council, why was the issue not opened at that time?”

And he stressed: “At least if information reaches you, confirm it.”

He explained: “I had talked to Muhammad Fadl and asked him about the cup, so he said: We asked Ahmed Hassan and he told us that I don’t have it.”

He added: “I don’t know if there is a reckoning between the councils.”

He continued: “I woke up in the morning and felt like I was a ‘disaster worker’ from the number of calls I had received.

And through On Time Sports 1, Ahmed Hassan said: “Muhammad Fadl contacted me 5 days ago and told me that they were doing something new and that they wanted me with us, then he asked me if I had a cup, so I said: How can I have a cup for all these years? “

What happened

Ahmed Schubert had mentioned through his program on Ontime Sports that the 2010 African Cup of Nations was missing and that Ahmed Hassan was the former captain of the Egyptian national team.

Walid Al-Attar, Executive Director of the Football Association, told “The five-year committee recently began a comprehensive renovation process at the entrance of the federation to do so in the form of a huge museum that includes mugs, gifts and titles that the federation has acquired throughout its history, before the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the federation “.

And he continued: “After an inventory of the stores to put the glasses, he was surprised that there were not a large number of glasses, medals, swords and shields, and their place of disappearance was not fixed, and they disappeared in earlier times and for a long time. time and nobody knows its location ”.

He added: “There is nothing in Federation stores except the original 1986 Nations Cup and two non-original copies of the 2006 and 2008 Africa Cups, and there is nothing else in the Federation with the disappearance of various shields and presents”.

During the month of March 2013, a fire broke out in the Egyptian Football Association and it was said that 3 Federation cups were stolen, along with documents and other belongings.

Three years later, in June 2016, FIFA officials found the contract of the former sponsoring company headed by Amr Afifi, after three years of disappearance since the fire. How about the cups?

Hamada Al-Masry, a former board member of the Football Association, who was present at the time of the fire and the disappearance of the cups, was said to, saying: “When the Al-Ittihad building burned down and the goblets disappeared, I contacted a person named Youssef Othman, a member of the board of the Suez national team, and at the same time a member of the association of fans of the Egyptian team registered with the Football Association, and I told him that there are some things that have disappeared from the Federation. We want the ball. “

He continued: “Youssef Othman managed to recover these 3 glasses and gave them back to Hamada Al-Masry.”

He continued: “I gave it to Tharwat Sweilem, the former executive director of the Football Association“.

How did the five-year committee act after discovering the disappearance of the stocks and the 2010 edition that was kept by Egypt forever?

Walid Al-Attar responds to, saying: “An investigation has been opened with the stores and accounts departments, to find out the fate of these glasses and shields, since it has been proven that there were thefts in previous times, but there is no verified what was stolen and what was returned with official papers “.

He continued: “The five-year committee seeks to come to an understanding of what was stolen and to account for those stolen items to communicate with security and bring them back, especially as they represent great historical value for the Egyptian Football Association.”

What about the 2010 version?

A source from the Football Association told “It is proven that there is one of the cups with Ahmed Hassan, the leader of the pharaohs, but without official papers within the federation, with his confirmation of the return of the copy. some time ago for Tharwat Suwailem and Azmi Mujahid. “

He continued: “We are currently communicating with them to find out the location of the 2010 Nations Cup.”

He continued: “There is a previous report from the board of directors confirming the theft of collectibles and glasses in the Union fire, but it is not proven which were stolen, and therefore we are trying to get to limit them and treat the matter in a professional”.

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