FilGoal | News | A source from the Football Association reveals to Joule the most prominent articles of the statute


Once the statute of FIFA has been approved by the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA), it only remains to be presented to the clubs in a few days.

A source from the Football Association revealed The most prominent articles of the statutes.

The Football Association announced the adoption of the bylaws of “FIFA”, which will be presented to the clubs in a few days. (See details)

The most prominent elements are the following:

– The new council is made up of 9 members, made up of a president, a deputy and 7 members, including at least one woman.

– Select the vice president from outside, that is, by election with knowledge of the General Assembly and not from within among the members of the Council.

– The application of the 8-year clause incrementally or in the position, so that every candidate has the right to spend 8 years in the position of member or alternate only, and does not have the right to apply more than twice for the same Market Stall.

– Apply the 8-year clause retroactively, so that former councilors do not have the right to stand in the elections for membership seats, but rather for the position of deputy or president.

– The application of the conflict of interest clause so that no candidate has the right to stand for election unless he submits his resignation to various areas that have been identified in the list and that have to do with sports such as sports marketing, sports media, player agents and others, in accordance with FIFA regulations that prevent conflicts of interest.

Eliminate district boards of directors and appoint only one executive director for each region.

Prevent racism in stadiums and activate international relations between federations.

The International Federation had decided to extend the work of the five-year committee for a period of 4 months, ending on November 30, to complete the tasks initiated by the committee.

The International Federation formed a five-year committee on August 20 to administer the Egyptian Federation until July 31, prior to its extension, headed by Amr Al-Janayni and Gamal Mohamed Ali as vice president, and the membership of Ahmed Abdullah, Muhammad Fadl and Sahar Abdel-Haq.
