FilGoal | News | 16 fiery messages from the Olympic Committee … “The Ministry of Sports and FIFA will not stop the Mortada sanctions.”


Sherif Al-Erian, secretary of the Olympic Committee, sent several messages to emphasize that the Ministry of Sports and the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) have no right to stop the committee’s decisions against Mortada Mansour, president of Zamalek.

The Olympic Committee suspended for 4 years Mortada Mansour, president of the Zamalek Club, from practicing any sporting activity in Egypt, with a fine of 100,000 pounds, and forcing his deputy to hold elections for the presidential seat. (See details).

Mortada Mansour vehemently opposed the committee’s decisions, and her last step was to approach the Sports Ministry to stop the decisions. (See details)

Mortada Mansour’s steps and statements, along with questions about the timing of the punishment, parliamentary immunity and the position of the Zamalek Club, caused the Secretary of the Olympic Committee to speak at length on the matter. broadcasts Sherif Al-Erian’s messages during his appearance on MBC Egypt, in the text as it appeared on his lips.

** The International Federation cannot cancel the decision of the Egyptian Olympic Committee.

** We informed all the bodies of the decision and had a complaint from 29 federations in Egypt against Murtaza Mansour and Zamalek is not a party in this matter. What Murtaza Mansour did is so clear and known to all that no one talks about the wrongness of what he did.

** The Ministry of Sports does not have the right to cancel the decisions of the Olympic Committee.

** Decisions were made based on the Olympic Charter, the Code of Conduct, investigations were carried out on matters that were clear to everyone, and we informed the Minister of Sports of our decision.

** The Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Youth and Sports complement each other. The committee is a civil committee in charge of the technical part and organization of Olympic and non-Olympic sports in Egypt, and the Ministry of Sports is in charge of the supervision and financial and administrative matters related to the sport as a whole and has the right to fully supervise it.

** Zamalek sent the African Union a letter signed by Mortada Mansour, and the federation responded and told him that he was in detention, so Zamalek sent another letter signing his substitute and requesting a change of stadium for the team’s meeting in Africa .

** Zamalek is not part of the case at all and should not be involved in that issue. Zamalek is above our heads, half of the Egyptian teams are from Zamalek and half of the members of the Olympic Committee are from Zamalek. The club is not a party and will not be affected by the decisions of the committee.

** The usual procedure after the decisions of the Olympic Committee is that the Ministry of Sports undertakes a procedure to eliminate the signatures of Murtado Mansour and approve the signature of Ahmed Jalal, vice president, his signature is already approved. The door to run for the presidency to complete the remaining period, which is less than one year, after which new elections will be held for all sports entities in Egypt.

** How is Murtaza investigated while he has parliamentary immunity? Are we investigating him for imprisonment or for committing a crime in an act of mathematical research? The law is clear and the statutes are clear. If the Football Association decides to suspend a referee due to mistakes he made, it will do so even if the referee is a member of Parliament.

** Mortada Mansour’s punishment is for a period of 4 years because it is not the first incident. The regulation gives the right to impose sanctions, from censorship to definitive cancellation, and decisions were made with Murtaza Mansour progressively over years.

** The difference between the current decision and the last one (Mortada’s suspension for two years) is the existence of a code of conduct now. The code did not exist at the time of the latest Mortada sanctions and was approved in December 2019 and approved by the Council.

** The head of investigations in the Olympic Committee is a great judge, head of court and delegate by the Minister of Justice, and he looked at all the documents and recommended the deadline for the sentence of Murtado and the signed financial fine, and we as the board of directors Like all boards of sports organizations, we do not change the results of any investigation when we obtain them.

** We do not interfere with the timing of the complaint. When complaints come to us, we investigate and study them, then make decisions at the first board meeting and do not pursue other issues.

** Zamalek is a large entity and has absolutely nothing to do with the decisions of the Olympic Committee. Punishments against one person and Zamalek continue with all his teams in all sports forums inside and outside Egypt without any influence.

** It is possible to reduce any sanction, but the person who has committed the sanction must file a petition and grievance in legal times, and at that time we see the reasons and the sanction can be overturned in the first place, but that depends on what the aggrieved person submits to sanctions.

** Arrogance will not help and not acknowledging authority will not help. Zamalek filed a complaint against Al-Ahly on the same day as the commission meeting in which we made the decisions, placed the complaint on the agenda and referred it to values ​​and ethics with the same measures that we take.
