Exclusion of Taiwan health organization caused deaths by crown


Source: Taipei – Reuters

A high-ranking committee of the United States government said several deaths from the Corona virus resulted from WHO’s exclusion of Taiwan and its refusal to allow it to share best practices and information.

The United States has repeatedly disagreed with China because it has prevented Taiwan, which is not a member of the World Health Organization and which China says is its own, from fully participating in the organization. This has become a new source of tension between Washington and Beijing.

Autonomous Taiwan says China and the World Health Organization conspired for political purposes to prevent him from attending important meetings, and that the organization has not responded to his requests for information related to the Corona virus, and previously provided an incorrect number of cases. from Taiwan.

The organization and China vehemently deny it and say Taiwan has all the help it needs, but only China has the right to represent Taiwan in the organization.

The Committee of Security and Economic Monitoring of EE. USA And China said in a report released Tuesday that the exclusion of Taiwan caused “serious delays” in receiving accurate and timely guidance from WHO member states during the early stages of the outbreak.

“If the organization had allowed Taiwan health experts to share information and best practices in early January, world governments would have had more complete information on which to base their public health policies,” the report added.

One of Taiwan’s main complaints is that the World Health Organization ignored a request it made in late December to obtain information about the possible transmission of the virus between humans. The organization replied that the email it had received from Taiwan did not mention any person-to-person transmission.

On January 12, the organization said there was no clear evidence of this movement. China, for its part, confirmed human-to-human transmission of the virus on January 20.

“In this sense, the organization’s information blockade reported by Taiwan and the delay in issuing its directives have undermined the national security of member states that have placed their trust in the organization as a source of public health directives. “said the American committee.

In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said there are agreements to guarantee Taiwan’s ability to deal with public health problems at the international or local level.

Taiwan, with strong support from the United States and other important allies, has stepped up efforts to garner support to enable it to participate as an observer at the meeting of the World Health Assembly, the WHO decision-making entity, the next week.

But China says it will not support it. The organization, for its part, says it does not have a mandate to invite Taiwan to the meeting.
