Exceptionally … An official letter from FIFA to the Football Association to hold the elections before 30 November


Al-Youm Al-Sabea obtained a copy of the letter from FIFA sent to the current five-year committee of the Football Association headed by Amr Al-Ganayni, in which it requests the completion of the files entrusted to the committee, such as the amendment of the list and the holding of elections to elect a new board of directors before November 30. .


FIFA speech to the Football Association

The text of the FIFA speech reads as follows: “We reviewed the International Olympic Committee, respecting the area of ​​jurisdiction of the National Olympic Committee in Egypt, with respect to the Egyptian Football Association, especially with regard to the role of the National Olympic Committee in the organization of the General Assembly of the Egyptian Football Association, in accordance with Egyptian law. For the year 2017, and in this sense, we must be clear that after studying and returning to the International Olympic Committee, there is nothing to indicate in Egyptian law or in the regulations approved by the Egyptian Committee, which gives the National Committee the right to grant the authority before the end of the sports season to approve a list submitted by the Federation. Al-Masry for Football, for clubs that have the right to legally participate in the General Assembly.

Finally, we understand that the Egyptian championship for the 2019-2020 season was resumed at the beginning of August 2002 and will be finished and finalized by the end of October 2020, and we have again asked the “Five Year Committee” to extend its mission. until November 30, 2002, in order to complete all the tasks that were assigned to you from the start of your appointment, and we ask that you provide us with the due date of the updated map, including important steps, such as setting the date for that the general assembly approves the amendments to the new regulations of the Egyptian Federation, and also the emergency general assembly to elect a new executive committee, an “elected board of directors”, based on the new list, and it is expected from the Standardization Committee , the “Five-Year Committee”, analyzing the environment to add a transitory clause in the new list that includes a specific and final date for holding the elections “in the regulations and code electoral “, for the general assembly that holds the elections, which must be held before the end of November 2020 at the latest.

In accordance with the aforementioned, we warn that the failure to comply with these tasks will be the result of raising the issue to the corresponding committees of the International Football Association, FIFA, so that they take other punitive measures..

We appreciate your cooperation in the current process and look forward to your prompt response..
