Ethiopian Air Force Commander: A Bird Can’t Pass Renaissance Dam


04:18 pm

Saturday 03 October 2020


Under the authority of Ethiopia’s Air Force Commander Gen. Yilma Mardasa, he said that the Air Force secures the Renaissance dam that his country is building on the Blue Nile and has raised a dispute with Egypt and Sudan about 10 years ago.

The Ethiopian Meriga website quoted Mirdasa as saying, “Not even a bird can pass without our permission,” noting that the prey is secured around the clock and around the clock, as well as weekdays, while the air forces are deployed to protect the dam.

She ruled out the possibility of any attack on the dam, as she put it, and emphasized that there is an elaborate plan to repel any attack on the dam or an attempt to damage it.

In statements made by the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA), he highlighted that his country is striving to become a major air force in Africa, over the next ten years, by modernizing its force and developing aviation. .

He mentioned that 9 levels of training and more on-the-job training will be provided, in addition to correspondence courses at the Academy, according to (IA).

He explained that the Air Force is working to become one of the best African air forces, building on previous experiences and technically providing its manpower.

He noted that “the Ethiopian air force is now among the best in Africa and is in a good position to protect the sovereignty of the country.”

Mirdasa noted changes in curricula, training and recruitment at the Air Force Academy, adding that “I can say that he was re-established again.”

He stated that much has been done to set the best standards for entering the Academy to graduate qualified professionals.
