Entities that will not work again … Egypt’s plan to coexist with Corona


Source: Cairo – Ashraf Abdel Hamid

The Egyptian government has begun to seriously prepare for the gradual opening of the life movement and to live with the new Corona virus, as the Prime Minister requested the rapid completion of the preparation of the plan to announce it soon, with the need to include sanctions for those who are not engaged.

In addition, the Egyptian prime minister held a meeting on Thursday to monitor the availability of medical supplies and the efforts made by the state to deal with the “Corona” virus, in the presence of several ministers.

The Prime Minister followed the current medical situation in all hospitals affiliated with the ministries of health and higher education, and the availability of various medical supplies and devices in them to provide comprehensive aspects of care for cases infected with Coronavirus, emphasizing the need to ensure availability of all different medical supplies in hospitals, and monitoring inventory periodically.

Dr. Muhammad Awad Tajuddin, Advisor to the President, gave a short presentation on the types of respirators, their uses, and the materials made from them. This included a review of some samples that are currently manufactured locally.

Intensifying the production of gags

For his part, the Minister of State for Military Production said that the state is currently working to intensify the production of military factories from masks, noting that production is expected to reach approximately 4.5 million masks daily by the end of this year. month.

Mostafa MadboulyMostafa Madbouly

During the meeting, the Minister of Health reviewed the state’s plan to provide basic health services during the “Corona” confrontation, which aims to provide basic health services, work to prevent the spread of infections among citizens within the health facilities and preserve the safety of service providers, while performing all surveillance and monitoring procedures. For suspicious and less suspicious cases, indicating that the plan is based on six axes.

Crisis rooms

He said that these axes are related to governance and crisis management, through the formation and activation of a crisis room in each governorate, taking into account the participation of all actors in crisis management in the chamber, with the identification of simplified mechanisms and protocols to regulate the provision of basic health services in coordination with the protocols for the treatment of the “Corona” virus.

The plan includes an ongoing evaluation of services to clarify strengths and weaknesses and the need to stop or add a service, in addition to establishing more than one method of contacting the emergency room to report developments at each health facility.

Egyptian minister of healthEgyptian minister of health

The minister added that the second axis of the plan is related to the organization of the provision of health services, through outpatient clinics, reducing waiting times, increasing the number of clinics and reservations through the “Call Center” , in addition to activating the visual examination for all patients before entering health facilities, With identification mechanisms to isolate suspects in all health facilities not designated for isolation and establishing clear standards and protocols to treat suspected cases and referral at all levels.

Distribution of labor within health centers.

The third axis of the plan referred to the need to restrict and redistribute the workforce as necessary, and begin to implement rapid training mechanisms for diagnosis, detection, infection control, and reduce the workforce within the facilities of health in one shift, with procedures, training and protocols for infection prevention, and working to increase occupational health measures and infection control to the maximum.

The plan included adopting the work system, provided that the 14-day work system is 14 days in the event of labor availability, requiring that all specializations be trained in the basic fundamentals of treating intensive care as a future plan in case of disability, providing a direct link to doctors and downloading some applications on their phones, to be used when a medical equipment is suspected of being infected.

The fourth axis dealt with the provision of medicines and supplies through a map of requirements according to basic services, and the establishment of an electronic system to track inventory within medical supplies and health facilities, and to coordinate the redistribution of supplies. This axis also included mechanisms to provide drugs and supplies through tenders from the Ministry of Health and the Unified Procurement Authority, with the introduction of an agreed mechanism to calculate needs.

Egypt crownEgypt crown

Ongoing training

The plan included in its fifth axis, the continuous training of workers in infection control procedures, the preparation of working groups for training in the infection control manual to preserve medical personnel, and the need to adhere to the use of personal condoms, continuous cleaning of workers’ housing and maintenance of space and intermediate spaces in housing, and identification of areas. Work within each facility and compel workers to do so.

The sixth axis included the implementation of awareness campaigns on the measures taken by the Ministry of Health on the management method of health facilities, reserve methods and the work system in the family medicine system.

Entities will not work again

On the other hand, two sources in the ministry revealed to Al Arabiya.net that there are several entities that will not return to work at this time due to the consequences of Corona, and include entertainment venues such as cinemas, theaters, cafes, coffee shops and all entertainment venues and restaurants, as long as work continues with the delivery of currently followed applications.

Places that will not return to work due to Corona include meeting places such as universities, schools, kindergartens, nurseries, gyms and gyms, gyms, club houses, club houses, weddings and mourners.
