Emergency virus facts can change everything!


Source: Arabic.Net – Agencies

With French doctors bombarding news in recent days about the emergence of the Corona virus that swept the world in December, France, almost a month before the Ministry of Health announced this, the World Health Organization deemed it not surprising e it urged other countries to investigate any other suspected early cases of infection. The epidemic has claimed more than a quarter of a million people worldwide today.

“This gives a completely new picture of everything,” Christian Lindemeyer, a spokesman for the world body, said in a statement to the United Nations in Geneva, referring to the French reports. “The results help to better understand the possible spread of the Covid-19 virus,” he added.

A new and clearer image

It was also considered that other early cases may appear from the re-examination of samples.

Additionally, Lindemeyer urged other countries to examine unidentified pneumonia case records in late 2019, saying this would give the world a “newer, clearer picture” of the outbreak.

Notably, a hospital in France reexamined samples from pneumonia patients who had concluded that they had treated a man who had Covid-19 disease on December 27 last, that is, about a month before the French government confirmed the appearance of the first case in the country.

From Paris (Reuters)From Paris (Reuters)

The source of the virus!

When asked about the origin of the virus in China, he said that “it is very important” to consider this. “This may require missions or another mission to China, and we are looking forward to it,” he added.

Mike Ryan, the organization’s top emergency expert, said Monday that the organization’s chief executive officer raised the issue of the virus’s origin “at the highest level” during the organization’s mission to China in January.

It is noteworthy that the issue of the source of the epidemic has witnessed, in recent weeks, exchanges, accusations and reactions between China and the United States, which accuses the first of not informing the world about the virus outbreak since its appearance last December in Wuhan.
