Egyptian artist Gamal Youssef diagnosed with cancer – Erm News


The Egyptian artist Gamal Youssef was infected with a disease ...

The Egyptian artist, Gamal Youssef, was diagnosed with cancer “of the pharynx”, and his state of health entered a deteriorating stage, after he managed to manage the cancer and kept him in bed for three months.

Egyptian artist Gamal Youssef was diagnosed with “pharyngeal cancer,” and his health has entered a deteriorating stage, after cancer managed to trap him and confine him to bed for the past three months.

The Egyptian artist Ashraf Zaki, the captain of the acting professions, revealed in statements to “Erm News” the details of the state of health of the artist Gamal Youssef, especially that he had received public attention during the last hours after the Egyptian director Gamal Hamza revealed that he could get sick.

Ashraf Zaki said that Gamal Youssef is currently bedridden, but at home, and his condition fluctuates between better and bad, indicating that he and the union members communicate with his wife continuously to monitor her health.

“Zaki” explained the details of the case, saying: that Jamal Youssef had cancer was discovered last March, as he discovered an inflammation in the lymph node behind the ear. What his hospitalization required at that time to perform tests and follow up on his condition.

He indicated that he underwent 35 radiotherapy sessions for two months, indicating that his treatment with those sessions left an impact on some parts of his body. His vocal cords and neck movement in general were affected.

He explained that the matter sometimes deteriorated and he fell into a coma for a period of time before recovering at the hands of the medical team that attended the hospital, noting that his health condition improved and he was taken home to complete the day of treatment.

Ashraf Zaki wished the artist Gamal Youssef a good way out of that ordeal, saying that it was a test of God for his strength and patience, and stressed that he and the members of the Syndicate Council would not hesitate to support him and provide all his requirements because that’s their basic role.

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Shaima Hassan – Erm News
