Egyptian Ambassador to Canada discusses joint cooperation with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Canadian province of “Manitoba”


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Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, Egyptian Ambassador to Canada, met via “videoconference” on March 22 with “Kelvin Gurtzen”, Deputy Prime Minister of the province of Manitoba.

According to a statement from the Egyptian ambassador, the meeting witnessed a discussion on the situation of the Egyptian community in the canton, where the Canadian official praised the estimated contributions of the Egyptian community in supporting the province’s economy and in caring to the population of the province during the Corona pandemic, in addition to discussing ways to strengthen economic and commercial relations between the two parties, especially in areas where the province has a highly competitive advantage, such as advanced manufacturing, space technology and aeronautics , food industries, agriculture, innovative industries, energy, environment, information and communication technology, biotechnology, mining, tourism and transportation.

Ambassador Abu Zeid added that he reviewed during the meeting the developments that Egypt is witnessing in all areas of production, services and economic growth despite the circumstances of the Corona pandemic, and with the testimony of international organizations and classification institutions, and the promising investment opportunities. provided by Egypt in national and other mega projects, proposing to organize virtual events and visits by businessmen and officials from both sides to revitalize investment and economic cooperation. The Egyptian ambassador also spoke with the Deputy Prime Minister of “Manitoba” about the development of the education sector in Egypt, and plans to expand academic and research cooperation with major foreign universities, proposing a joint work plan that would help increase the number of scholarships. offered to Egyptian students at provincial universities, and expanded Research and academic cooperation with Egyptian universities.

At the end of the meeting, the Canadian official wished to invite the Egyptian ambassador to visit Manitoba during the next period, learn about existing cooperation opportunities, visit various projects and hold meetings with representatives of the private sector and members of the provincial government and parliament.

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