Egypt .. “The Lady of the Court” was presented to the medical authorities – Erm News


Egypt .. Show

Counselor Mohamed Samir, spokesman for the Egyptian Administrative Prosecutor’s Office, announced that the woman who appeared in the video of the assault on a policeman while carrying out her work is not exercising judicial work

Counselor Mohamed Samir, spokesman for the Egyptian Administrative Prosecutor’s Office, announced that the woman who appeared in the video of the assault on a policeman while carrying out his work is not exercising judicial work due to certain psychological conditions, noting that the video is being examined in preparation to present the woman to a medical authority to see if she can proceed. In her current administrative acting work.

Counselor Mohamed Samir said in televised statements that the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office in Egypt monitored the video that was circulating and it was found that the woman who appeared in the video works in the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office, and has coordinated with the Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the investigations , explaining that the case is not over yet, since all those present work for the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office. With all due respect to all state agencies and ministries.

The woman who appeared in the video of the assault on a police officer inside an Egyptian court was released on bail of 2,000 pounds, and the administrative prosecutor’s office in Egypt announced that it had sent delegates on her behalf to post bail to oppose the woman who he claimed his job with the United Nations to pay the amount.

The Administrative Prosecutor’s Office of Egypt clarified in a statement that the video that circulates of a woman attacking a policeman at the headquarters of the Heliopolis Court, is being investigated to find out the truth about the work of women in the administrative prosecutor’s office or not, by what the advisor assigned to Essam Al-Minshawi, head of the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office, to carry out the investigation in this regard. The incident, and the presentation to the head of the commission, in light of what the investigation ends.

Social media pioneers widely circulated the video of the fight between a woman and a police officer inside an Egyptian court in Cairo, widely criticizing the behavior of the woman who attacked the officer while doing his job claiming to be an advisor to the United Nations. .

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Aya Ashraf – Erm News
