Egypt has reserved a first batch of “remedy” to treat the crown


Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, today inspected the progress of work and development work at Alexandria Fever Hospital, as part of the ministry’s plan to equip and rehabilitate fever hospitals and chests across the country, to progressively become isolation hospitals for people with coronavirus, to provide medical services after carrying out the necessary controls and diagnoses. The condition and even isolation, provision of treatment, and follow-up cases after recovery and discharge, in addition to providing scientific research services.
Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs and the official spokesperson for the Ministry, said that the Minister visited the various hospital departments of the hospital, with a clinical capacity of 243, in addition to 23 intensive care beds , and noted that the Minister visited two buildings that are being developed with a capacity of 120 beds and the other with a capacity of 50 beds, aimed at quickly completing all the work and equipment.

He added that the Minister was interested in reviewing the path of patients from admission to hospital and the procedures followed for both the wounded and those suspected of injury, and assured me of the availability of labor and medical and preventive supplies, aimed at increasing the number of intensive care beds, providing computed tomography and providing laboratories with the necessary equipment to provide the best medical service for patients. .

The Minister emphasized the preservation of the hospital’s ancient heritage, which covers an area of ​​25 acres, which was founded over 100 years ago on English heritage, which is the nature on which most fever hospitals were founded. and chests in Egypt, and emphasized that these hospitals are the foundation of the health system for treating infectious diseases and will be used to Live with the coronavirus until treatment or vaccine appears.
The Minister also noted that updated treatment protocols are being continuously followed up with the World Health Organization, noting that Egypt has reserved a first batch of “Remisevir”, which was approved by the American Food and Drug Administration within the new treatment protocols for emerging coronavirus, indicating that plasma is being used. Those recovering to treat newly infected Coronaviruses, and the results will be announced soon.

Mujahid noted that each of the Sadr Al Maamoura and Kom Al Shoqafa Hospitals in Alexandria Governorate is being developed and equipped to provide a comprehensive medical service for Corona virus sufferers, as the basis of the health system for treating infectious diseases, Explaining that the clinical capacity of Sadr Al Mamoura Hospital is 297 beds and 17 intensive care beds, and directed the Minister Using 86 beds within hospital beds for isolation, I also ordered to use 80 beds within Kom El Shoqafa Hospital for isolation .

During her inspection tour today, the minister highlighted the commitment to preventive and preventive measures and social separation measures, highlighting that citizen awareness is a key factor in protecting him and his family.

The minister also thanked the medical staff for the high efficiency and sincerity that they played at work, saying: “You are a pride for us and for the Egyptian state and you are showing day after day that you are fulfilling the responsibility.”

Mujahid continued that the work to develop and increase the efficiency of fever and chest hospitals, which have been increased to 35 hospitals in the different provinces of the Republic, will be carried out in 3 successive stages through which the efficiency of the network Gas, plumbing, electricity, sanitation, and paints in each hospital will be raised and supplied with respirators, pointing to the adoption of a forestation initiative. And green spaces in those hospitals, adding that this is done in parallel with maintaining the delivery of medical services until completion of development work and increasing efficiency as soon as possible and delivering them, and also emphasized that training and efficiency of The workforce for medical equipment is ongoing. Infection control standards and treatment protocols, in addition to supporting necessary laboratory supplies and devices, and to provide devices for all electronically infected hospital tablet log files.
