“Education” defines the teaching system for the curriculum for students of the system


3:00 pm

Tuesday 06 October 2020

Books – Osama Ali:

Dr. Tariq Shawky, Minister of Education and Technical Education, issued a ministerial decision on the education system and curricula for grades one to three of primary school during the upcoming 2021/2020 academic year.

The decision included the study plans that will be applied to the first three grades of the primary cycle and was as follows:

First grade of primary: Interdisciplinary curricula, Arabic language, English language, religious education, physical education and for health are taught.

The second grade of primary school: The curricula are taught “interdisciplinary, Arabic, mathematics, English, religious education, physical education and for health”.

The third grade of primary: The curricula are taught “interdisciplinary, Arabic, mathematics, English, religious education, physical and health education, the book of values ​​and respect for others”.

The decision stipulated that these aforementioned curricula will be applied to students in grades one to three of primary school in all schools of public education: (official languages ​​- official and distinguished official languages ​​- of their two types of Arabic and languages) as of the 2020/2021 academic year.

The decision stipulated that some tokatsu activities should apply to the first three grades of primary school.

The decision defined the teaching system for the academic study plans referred to in the second article of this decision, which are the following:

Participate in the teaching of the study plan referred to in the second article of this decision, two teachers together in the classroom.

The English teacher also teaches designated time periods.

Teach the values ​​and respect for the other curriculum to the third grade teacher in the class for a period of Arabic language periods per week.

The activity guide for the physical education teacher leaves you the mechanism of implementation of the physical education class through (pictorial activities – exercises on electronic platforms – cooperation with the youth and sports directorates).

The decision provided that the supervision of the Central Administration of Infants and Basic Education in everything related to the primary education cycle through the monitoring and supervision of the General Administration of Primary Education, and the departments of primary education in the directorates and departments education, as well as the supervision of the direction of the first grades, which carries out the technical follow-up for the first grades from the first to the third.

The decision also granted the directors of the education directorates of the governorates the power to make the necessary adjustments in the school system, according to the circumstances of each province, provided that this does not affect the basic content of the academic program and its philosophy. .

The decision stipulated the prohibition of applying courses other than the study plans mentioned in the second article of this decision.

Read also:

Educational system and study plans. An urgent education decision for students up to third grade school

Starting at 10 lbs. Education announces the duration and cost of school groups
